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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 30, 1979
Page 11
ment isn't bad.' 'No, Stan, you're wrong,
he answered. 'The Bible says
unjust iudges in the only reference directly relating to judges. Everybody
knows about shyster lawyers. Everybody who should know, woul� kno� that
big government is bad, bigger government is worse, and that {huma�/ govern­
ment basically is the enemy of the people, and is also the enemy of churches
and religion.
"So I argued with Mr. Armstrong. But once again I found out, as I have
found out in almost every important issue about which I've ever disagreed
with Mr. Armstrong, that I was wrong and he was right. And I asked him
since then, 'What made you so sure you were right, and what made you so
sure that I was wrong in this particular instance?' And he smiled and said,
'Because the Bible, which is the foundation of all knowledge, told me so."'
* * * * *
Publishing Services has now consolidated its various sections into one area.
Thanks to men like Ellis LaRavia, with Bob Ashland and his team, we are now
all together in what used to be the Press Building. We can now offer Church,
Foundation, and College departments a complete publishing service under one
The services include graphics design with advertising copywriting, direct
mail planning and production, Plain Truth and Good News circulation manage­
ment including newsstand coordination, and a small in-house multiprint
facility with increased capacity. We still offer, of course, the full
Plain Truth, Good News, Quest and booklet production facilities.
This includes typesetting, pasteup, camera work, color separation and film
assembly. This total service is offered in five languages: English,
Dutch, French, German and Spanish, with capacity to handle additional
languages as required. We also offer outside print buying and coordination
for the various departments here in Pasadena.
One last piece of news. Pan American Airways will now carry Quest magazine
on most, if not all,of its commercial flights worldwide. This is a real
compliment for us as Pan American is very selective. Many publishers try
hard to get into this prestigious market.
--Roger G. Lippross, Publishing Services
The period of assigning housing for the Feast of Tabernacles is now in full
swing, with Feast Office personnel spending long hours readying for the
1979 feast. The first run of housing confirmations should be in the mail
in August.
Here is a brief update on some sites across the U.S.:
Biloxi: All transfer requests to Bil�xi had to be turned down for this
year, with the exception of hardship cases, because fewer people than
anticipated asked for camping facilities. Motel rooms, therefore, are in
short supply and will have to go first to those assigned to the site.