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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 30, 1979
Page 6
Why the Church Is Outraged
It's not that our lawyers are not working hard at it, it's not that they
are not learning; but there's something about this lawsuit that makes Mr.
Helge and me, as well as Mr. Armstrong and other members of the Church,
rise up in indignation. Not because we were sued, because unfortunately, in
this world anyone can sue anybody. We know that. People can be grieved
over non-existing injuries and they sue parties A, B, or C and sometimes
they are thrown out of court immediately, and sometimes it takes a little
bit longer.
But in this particular case, to see Mr. Armstrong, the leader of the Church
for forty-seven years, accused of siphoning and pilfering millions of dollars
each year for his own benefit; to hear the state accuse him of using the
Church and its assets for his own personal benefit; to hear them describe
his spreading of the gospel, his fulfilling of the commission as laid out
by Matthew 28:19-20 as so-called "travel expense," makes Mr. Helge and I
want to rise up out of our chairs and literally throttle the person respon­
sible for making such wild and utterly false allegations!
Nothing about the State's position is true. They know that it is false--a
sham. They know that it's been a naked, raw, abuse of power. And yet,
but for �he Living God; but for the immediate and massive support of the
members of the Church; but for Mr. Armstrong's inspired leadership; and
but for the financial resources that are available to few organizations,
the State would have accomplished its will!
Why a SHAM Lawsuit
The state has come up with no evidence of any wrongdoing to in any way
offset or counter our mountain of evidence indicating clearly, for any
impartial person, that all the allegations in the lawsuit are false and
without foundation. The burden of proof, by the way, is not even on us
but rather
on the state. Nonetheless, we have come forward with an
overwhelming amount of evidence {on the Church's behal!/.
The state gives everyone reason to believe that they are never going to be
able to prove the allegations of their complaint. That is because they
have hundreds and thousands of pages of church documents--maybe 60,000
pieces of paper--and they still can't find any evidence of any wrongdoing.
Judge Julius Title himself said /as early as January 12/ there was no
evidence of any wrong-doing, and-as late as March, indicated that all the
state had been doing is making accusations. Notwithstanding that, the
lawsuit has not been dismissed!
The reason is quite plain. The court itself is a little intimidated by the
fact that the state of California is involved and they, as_the iudiciary,
are part of "the system." Mr. Armstrong has always said /human/ govern­
ment is the enemy of the Church. Government, to a great extent, is the
enemy of the people. There is no justice in this world. We've all learned
those things and it's coming home now. Everyday we are being reminded of
Now, when I talk about a sham lawsuit, what do I mean? I mean a lawsuit
that is based upon hearsay and gossip, and a lawsuit that is contrived
under such circumstances as to be apparent to any person that the plaintiff,
in this case the state, had no reason to believe that it would ever be able
to erove the allegations of the"c:ompiaint-.���
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