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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 30, 1979
Page 4
must be made NOW.
So please, everyone get in your forms to the Feast
Office irnmediately--even those of you here in the Pasadena area who may
be traveling from site to site--so the Festival Office may know how many
members of the family to plan for, etc.
Looking forward to the festival season, I want to ask all of you to
prepare a sermon soon pointing toward and preparing the brethren to go to
the Feast, �eep all eight days of the Feast, and truly worship God during
this coming, glorious festival season. Be sure to remind everyone that
they should be saving their second tithe and preparing themselves in every
way for "the best Feast ever."
Also, I want to ask all of you ministers to take more care to oversee
and "screen" the type of music and dancing your individual churches are
participating in. We want to upgrade the type of music presented during
Church services. And we definitely want to upgrade the type of music
played at Church and Church-related and YOU dances and parties. We are
going to send you more definitive information on this within a couple
of months, but all of us who have been around Mr. Armstrong and have had
any type of cultural training whatever certainly can help our areas to
avoid the extremes so often found in the world which are beginning to
creep into God's Church! Truly we want to honor God in every phase and
facet of life--and that includes music, dancing, dating, courtship, how
to handle liquor, the type and atmosphere of socials we participate in,
etc. Christ is moving to clean up His Church and prepare it as an un­
blemished bride. Again, I hope all of us will catch this vision and do all
that we can to follow Mr. Armstrong's lead in this matter with all of our
hearts. This is where Christ is leading His Church now.
That's all for this time.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith
(Editor's Note: The following analysis of, and insights into our church/
state confrontation, were recently given in overview commentary by Mr.
Stanley R. Rader. His comments were videotaped for a TV documentary
currently being produced by our TV Department. Those comments of special
interest to the ministry have been extracted for publication in the Pastor's
Wishes His and Mr. Helge's Hands Weren't Tied
From the outset in this conflict between the state of California (the
largest, most powerful state in the Union) and the Worldwide Church of God,
Mr. Helge and I have been as frustrated as two people could possibly be.
Because from the outset, though we are lawyers we have had to use other
lawyers as our mouthpieces in every forum, except the times that we were
personally appearing before the media.
We have the very best lawyers, and we like them all very much. They're
so much better than what the state can muster that it isn't even a ball