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PASTOR'S REPORT July 23, 1979
Page 5
markets and hypermarkets. Our response to the latter still averages out
at 4%. What we like about our mailing list is the fact that 50% of our
subscribers are readers who have renewed again and again.
New Subscribers
New subscribers have been added to our PLAIN TRUTH mailing list as follows:
l. Newsstand Distribution responses: 5,200 since January 1979. We
increased our newsstand distribution by 14,000 in the month of
September 1978. Total newsstand distribution is now 30,000 per month.
2. Referral Program Responses: Our PLAIN TRUTH wrapper carries an
offer of an introductory copy of the PLAIN TRUTH to a friend of the
reader. We find that 30% of those who receive the sample copy also
request a year's subscription. Since January we have added 5,200
new subscribers, averaging about 900 per month. Excellent results
for a no cost program.
3. Word of mouth responses: Monthly we receive approximately 500
requests for the PLAIN TRUTH from those who have been introduced
to the magazine through personal contact with another reader.
Our mailing list is subject to an ongoing renewal system. The reader
is given three opportunities to renew. The results are good. Pre­
sently we have a response rate of 64%.
Bible Correspondence Course
Since January 1979 we have added 4,900 to those already on the
Correspondence Course. We still find the Correspondence Course the
most valuable means of leading people towards the Bible and the
The Church
The Church is growing and our membership at the end of May, 1979
1,239. This is a 6% increase compared with this time last year.
overall attendance is 7% higher now, averaging about 1600.
Our Holy Day offerings year to date, including Pentecost, are 10.5%
more than in 1978. Our monthly money income is up 13% year to date.
However, we continue to face a climbing inflation rate--now at 12.6%.
This will go up, some say, by as much as an additional 1.9% because
of the energy crisis and price of gasoline. Our litre now costs us
54 cents (45.76 U.S. cents) which is 2� times what is paid in the
United States. The recent 15% increase in the price adds 1200 US
dollars to our office fuel bill every month.
There was to have been a 50% increase in postal tariffs in October,
1979, but this has just been postponed. A temporary relief only.