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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 16, 1979
Page 9
"Synfuel" production from shale and coal would demand immense amounts of
water (2 to 3 barrels for every barrel of shale oil) from two of the nation's
most water-starved regions, the Colorado River Basin and the Northern Great
Plains. Making one million barrels of oil from shale a day, equivalent to
an eighth of the current oil imports, would require moving a billion tons
of rock and residue each year, roughly the same amount of material excavated
in the building of the Panama Canal,
The new federal energy super-bodies will also do constant battle with state
env1.ronmental agencies
such as those in California ""'hich don't want more
refineries or interstate pipelin8s crossing their "sovereign" soil.
The push for coal will also cost additional billions for thf� rebuilding
and relocation of railroad facilities. Then there will be the push to
develop "coal-slurry" pipelines, which transport a powdered-coal mush.
These systems gulp prodigious amounts of water--again from the driest half
of U\e U.S.
Thus the president's plan could result in a multi-billion dollar fiasco and
only further split a badly divided nation.
Foreign Reaction: Dollar Down, Gold Up
It's worth noting that foreign reaction, especially economic, to the all-out
energy push was generally negative. The dollar declined almost everywhere
and gold zoomed up to $292.87 an ounce, a new all-time high.
Throughout Europe, official reaction to the speech was polite, but news­
papers and bankers were openly negative.
"The President really didn't say
much," said a Zurich banker. An Italian broker added: "That speech was
Just a pep talk that solved nothing, and that's why the dollar fell." The
governor of the Bank of Greece said, bluntly:
"What he announced is not
The Com0unist Chinese paid particular attention to the negative mood of
the address. China's official news agency reported the speech at length-­
mentioning Carter's self-critical account of his leadership, and his mention
of A::1e:::-ica's self-doubts about its sense of purpose.
All in all, few believe the nation is in a mood to believe Mr. Carte:c
has the answers or that he could lead the American people in the ''energy
--Gene H. Hogberg, News Bureau