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about Easter and related topics. "People are interested in religion,"
Fred says, "and they like to hear debates on radio."
When on a talk show and Mr. Coulter is asked how Garner Ted Armstrong
feels about a certain subject, he replies: "If you want to know how
Garner Ted feels, you'll have to ask him. We only discuss issues and.
answers -- we don't discuss personalities or organizations."
Two of the reasons for the success and the impact of the debate can
be attributed to the powerful 50,000-watt clear channel signal of
the station, and the popularity of John Cigna, the show's host, who
has quite a local following.
--John Lundberg, Media Division
ment of the worst monthly trade deficit in U.S. history -- 4.52
billion dollars for February -- took even the Commerce Department
officials by surprise. They had expected the shortfall to be in the
range of 3 billion dollars. There were some extenuating, short term
circumstances involved in the whopping deficit, but these did nothing
to calm fears of money managers overseas who unloaded greenbacks,
sending the dollar down to 218 Japanese yen and fractionally under
2 German marks.
Japan's Prime Minister Fukuda has sent an urgent message to President
Carter appealing for immediate U.S. intervention to stem the dollar's
skid. Carter meanwhile has made only one oblique reference to the
crisis, in response to a newsman's question during his visit to Lagos,
Nigeria. The President said he felt the situation would right itself
once Congress passed his energy legislation. That package has been
stalled for a year, however. Mr. Carter has been urged from many
quarters to slap an immediate surcharge on imported oil as a quick
means to restore confidence in the value of the dollar. He has the
authority to do so, but has not chosen this course of action. His
hand may be forced this week, however, if the dollar continues to fall.
--Gene Hogberg, News Bureau
Changes in the College
"I felt like cheering during service today when our minister,
Vernon Hargrove, read your letter to the ministers about your
changes at Ambassador College. I guess I'm saying all this
because I want to send my daughter to God's college next year.
I hope she will find decent, fine young men there to begin
dating with. She is no rebel, but very loyal to her family,
her church, and her God.
"We also approve of your relinquishing the college duties
to devote your time to media and more direct guidance of the
ministry. We know the Living Christ is directing His Work, and
making these decisions. We support them.