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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 11, 1979
Page 5
Dear Fellow Ministers:
Greetings from Pasadena! Mr. Herbert Armstrong visited the S.E.P.
camp up in Orr this weekend, and I have already heard from some of the
young people that he did a great job and everyone was very encouraged.
Messrs. Luker and Burk McNair are out of town to conduct area con­
ferences in their respective regions and Mr. Dean Blackwell is now com­
pleting his move to Pasadena. So, no one is here but us "chickens."
A minor request I want to give you before going on is our desire that
you forward to the News Bureau any outstanding articles about world news
in prophecy or related information from your local newspaper. Be sure to
put the name of the paper and the date on the clipping before you send it
in, so it will have more validity.�is should make our news coverage
even more profound and serve the Work and all of us better in that way.
Mr. Luker and I had a very fine visit with Mr. Herbert Armstrong last
Thursday afternoon and were able�cover a number of points regarding
church plans and growth. We will not now announce these new programs and
"jump the gun" until we have them fully developed. But, we will start to
implement some of these programs on a "pilot basis" within the next several
weeks and see how they go. Suffice it to say that fine new opportunities
and challenges are in the offing!
This Sabbath here in the P.M. Church, Mr. Dibar Apartian and I were
very happy to be able to ordain Ray Clore as a local elder in God's Church.
He is an American, an Ambassador College graduate, and has been serving
faithfully and holding God's people together in Haiti even while he served
as Vice Counsel there for the U.S. State Department. Now chat his time
for transfer has come up, he asked Mr. Apartian: "Where do you think I
should ask to be transferred? Where can I serve the Church the most?"
Since Ray speaks French very well, Mr. Apartian recommended the
Cameroons in Africa.
Expecting the normal request for a second assignment to be in a "nicer"
area, Ray's superiors were astonished when he asked if there was an op��in:
in the Cameroons. They said:
"Of course! There is always an opening ::..n
a place like that but why do you want to go there?"
In this way, Ray Clore has set a fine exa�ple for all of us. As a
white, middle-class American with a beautiful young wife and one-year-old
baby, he and his wife are willing to go virtually "anywhere" they can safely
go to serve God and his people--and at their own expense, for he is not on
salary from us!
Would to God more of us had THIS type of attitude!
And that brings me to the main point I want to mention in �his letter.
In my recent visits with Mr. Armstrong, he has made it very clear that his
:nain concern now, is to "clean up God's Church" and to prepare the Church
as an unblemished bride to marry Christ!