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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 11, 1979
Page 3
h'hat did Jesus do? Did He "turn the other cheek?" Did He say, "I
must under all circumstances OBEY the human government of MAN"? No! The
next verse says, "But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence."
Another time these representatives of the government of MAN sought to take
Jesus, in a crowd, to DESTROY Him, but Jesus slipped out among the crowd
and escaped from them. WHY? Did not Jesus finally submit to crucifixion?
Surely! But He had planned this final crucifixion with God the Father, even
before the world was. He escaped from them because "His time was not yet
come." He only submitted to the government of MAN when the time had come that
was planned between God and the future Christ even before the world was.
done in our day!
How did Jesus speak to their representatives of the GOVERNMENT OF MAN?
He said to them, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites..."
And again, "Woe unto you, ye blind guides" ..."Ye fools and BLHJD."..."Woe
unto you, scribes and Pharisees,"...."Ye blind guides,"
"Woe unto you,
scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like whited sepulchres...."
"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of
hell? ..." (Matt.
Some would teach you that Jesus was wrong--that He should have "turned
the other cheek," and submitted.
Some asked Jesus regarding obeying MAN'S law, or GOD'S law. Jesus said,
"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to GOD the things that
are GOD'S."
The headquarters buildings and property of the Worldwide Church of God
are GOD'S--not Caesars! The government of the State of California was
trying to TAKE OVER, and STEAL the campus and buildings that ARE GOD'S!
They a:c8 deeded in GOD'S NAME! God's NAME is inlaid in prominent letters
in the Auditorium which is the HOUSE OF GOD!
.:.his, a::d mark it WELL! At no time did God's Church or its
Pasade:ia brec.hren VIOLATE Ai."JY LAW! Had the government of California, under
the acti�n of the Attorney General, come to arrest Mr. Rader or me, on a
char;e :::i: "pilfering," and "siphoning off millions of dollars to our own
we would have submitted voluntarily, and then, in court PROVED that
�ie charge was FALSE! But they did not come with any warrant! We had
�10lac.ed no law! We DID NOT in any manner ATTACK the men representing the
�:ate of California.
Officers from the Attorney General's office and deputies came without
�e£inite CHARGES, swooping down without even the legally required
ad·:2.ncs :�c�rcr::, INVADI�G GOD Is PROPERTY AND FACILITIES! They came on
tru�ped-up, baseless charges, on a fishing expedition, to seize books and
records, HOPII�G that they might find some evidence, records, or CAUSE, to
bring definite c:1arges against us! At least that is what they w�re SUPPOSED
to be unexpectedly invading GOD'S premises for!
But they fo .ind no evidence against either Mr. Rader or IT'.Yself because
there is no such ,vidence--no such things were ever done by us�