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MEMBER'S HOTLINE, July 2, 1979
Page 2
And so it was the government of Caesar that came lashing out at Christ.
And what did He say? He said, "You blind leaders of the blind, you hypo­
crites," you are lower than any animal. A snake is about the lowest animal
--it crawls on the ground. You are lower than that, said Jesus to these
people. He didn't mince words, He talked right back!
Now some few have tried to misapply the scriptures relating to our personal
conduct. But they forget that we are to render to God the things that are
God's. Now in our personal everyday life, we must be subject to the powers
that be and we have always taught that, brethren. Concerning what happened
in Pasadena, nobody was attacking the State--all we did was defend and
protect the property of God. No one made any attack against people of the
State. We didn't try to harm them. We didn't try to club them, to stab
them or to shoot them. We did nothing of the kind. We had no arms at any
Peter and Paul had to spend all night in prison for preaching the truth
about Christ and preaching the gospel. This suit has come on us because I
preach the gospel around the world. After Peter and Paul had spent the
night in jail for preaching the truth about Christ, the next day the govern­
ment told them, "Don't you dare ever again preach that word about Jesus
Christ anymore. You shut up your mouths and quit preaching." What did
Peter and Paul do? They said, "Well, we shall obey God rather than man."
When it comes to defending Christ and His property against the government,
that's a different matter altogether. I hope that you all understand that,
and that some of the enemies of the Church are not going to mislead you.
Well, we're having nice hot weather over here, I don't know what you're
having in Pasadena. But usually whatever you have today we'll get over
here tomorrow. It just takes about 24 hours for the same weather you have
to get over here. But we are thankful for one thing, the smog seems to
settle somewhere along the way. It doesn't get all the way here and we
don't have to endure that. Our temperature has been up above a hundred
a great deal lately, but it's a dry heat and we have air-conditioning, so
when we come inside we're out of it.
Well, I'd like to be there with you; I will be as soon as I can again.
Thank you again a million times from the bottom of my heart!
For some time now, the Church's attorneys had been attempting to get the
Attorney General to admit that he has had adequate information and material
upon which to make a determination that the Church, College and Foundation
were above reproach. And, of course, conversely that there was no reason
for his having brought the action against the Work of God in the first place.
Since the beginning of the year, the Attorney General has resisted in court
all of our efforts to obtain a list of the various Church documents that
have been in his possession. Finally, several weeks ago the Attorney General
was ordered by the court to produce such a list! Consequently, Friday
afternoon weciid receive the court ordered list. The papers furnished by
the Attorney General revealed that he has had in his possession some 818
different documents, some of which are 24 to 50 pages in length! Others,
of course, amount only to a one-page letter or interoffice memorandum.
But please note that there are more than eight hundred documents (not just