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25,000 miles. I visited five of the offices in that period of time
carrying the proverbial "good news" and "bad news." As a result,
there are a number of personnel changes to be announced. Let me
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hasten to say that the only connotation meant by the "bad news" is
that it is always a litt.
le difficult to face moving from an area
where you have spent several years of your life in serving the people.
The "news" was actually happily received by all those involved.
There have been plans in the works for some time now to bring the
Fahey family in for a sabbatical. Those plans have had to be post­
poned for a time, but will now take effect in Julv. Mr. Fahey -­
that sounds to stilted, so I'll change it -- Bob will have been serv�
ing (and doing an excellent job of it) in the South African area for
nine years by this coming July. Prior to that he was in Australia
and prior to that in Great Britain. Actually, the Faheys haven't
lived in the United States since they were married, so it will be a
welcomed change.
He will be here at Pasadena for a year and then ·be reassigned. With
all the opportunities and changes which occur during the course of a
year in this Work, I haven't tried to determine a specific responsi­
bility at this time. However, he will not be returning to Johannes­
The obvious question then is, "Who will replace Bob?" The answer is
Dr. Roy McCarthy who is a South African citizen. Roy has been very
ably directing the Work in Holland for the last three years. He has
expanded his talents to include the speaking of the Dutch language
so he can preach in that language to both the Dutch churches. He
and his wife are very pleased to be returning to South Africa, and
are looking forward to an even greater challenge than the one they
have been enjoying.
Dr. McCarthy is being replaced by a new man as far as the full-time
ministry is concerned. I visited Montreal in February to interview
Mr. and Mrs. Bram de Bree. Mr. de Bree is a local elder in Montreal
who has been earning his living as an architect for the past twenty­
three years. Both he and his wife are Dutch citizens and will
actually be returning home as they replace Dr. McCarthy.
Next to be moved will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schnee. The Schnees have
made Germany their home for the past sixteen years. They went there
to the tiny fledgling Work and have dedicated their lives to the Work
in Germany since that time. Their zeal and drive in perfonning the
Work in Germany is well known by the older church members here in the
States, and very much appreciated by all of us here at Headquarters.
Frank will be at Pasadena for a year and then will be reassigned in
a major responsibility following that. With the sabbatical program
plans in mind, Frank will probably replace one of the Area Coordinators
in Canada. However, those plans are, at best, tentative. With the many
changes we experience, he could very well be considered for two or
three different jobs before the actual assignment is made.
There is then the remaining question of who will replace Frank. Here
again the name is one which is new to most of you. Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Bode from the office in Johannesburg will move to Germany to fill the