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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 2, 1979
Page 5
of ',mderstanding and faith as a minister FAR BEYOND anything we would
approach if we keep looking over our shoulder at the world and
thinking "that's where it's at."
Please fellows, let's not think ourselves more highly than the original
apostles of Christ. Remember how they appointed the original seven deacons
with the statement: "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and
to the ministry of the word (Acts 6:4). A lot of extra time spent in
personal PRAYER and in personal, indepth, heart lt BIBLE STUDY is exactly
what the
ue ministry of Christ ought to be doing!
Remember that it was to Timothy, an evangelist, that Paul gave instruc­
tions: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not
to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Tim. 2:15), As
ministers of Jesus Christ, each of us must be a "workman" and delve deeply
into, meditating upon and studying the Bible constantly and fervently. By
SATURATTNG our minds and hearts with God's word--His viewpoint, His atti­
tude, fis way--we will build a reservoir of true understanding, faith and
fervency"""which will genuinely INSPIRE our peop
when they hear sermons and
read articles and listen to Bible studies and heartfelt personal counsel
of those strengthened and motivated by this foundation!
So let's emphasize the positive on this, fellows, and truly strengthen
our own spiritual lives and the lives of all those about us. Then w� can
truly help one another and all of our brethren grow "Till we all come in the
��ity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect
man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."
Please do it.
Roderick C. Meredith
For some time now, the Church's attorneys had been attempting to get the
Attorney General to admit that he has had adequate information and material
upon which to make a determination that the Church, College and Foundation
were above reproach. And, of course, conversely that there was no reason
for his having brought the action against the Work of God in the first place.
Since the beginning of the year, the Attorney General has resisted in court
all of our efforts to obtain a list of the various Church documents that
have been in his possession. Finally, several weeks ago the Attorney Gener�.:
was ordered by the court to produce such a list! Consequently, Friday
afternoon wecjid receive the court ordered list. The papers furnished by
the Attorney General revealed that he has had in his possession some 818
dif rent documents, some of which are 24 to 50 pages in length! Others,
of course, amount only to a one-page letter or interoffice memorandum.
But ple3se note that there are more than eight hundred documents (not just
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