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MEMBER'S HOTLINE, June 25, 1979
Page 2
chancellor. Enrollment for the new school year, which begins August 27,
is expected to be between 350 and 400.
The ministers worldwide were thanked for their input regarding prospective
students from their areas, and Mr. McNair reminded them that it still isn't
too late for "promising young people'' to apply for entrance into Ambassador
College for the corning 1979-80 college year. However, they would have to
send their applications in very soon. Although, as always, "we require
that all applicants be able to do college-level work...we are once again
looking more closely at a student's overall qualifications (leadership,
character, etc.) ," concluded Mr. McNair.
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong recently mentioned that he would like to see
ministers and members alike recommending The Plain Truth to friends out­
side the Church, encouraging them to become regular readers. Reminding
the June 18th Pastor's Report readership that "the most effective form
of advertising is by word of mouth," publishing director Roger Lippross
suggested that members use this very powerful tool of personal recommenda­
tion and to pass along their own copy of The Plain Truth. "Or, better
still, try to get hold of any spare copies of the newsstand issue from
your local newsstand coordinator."
Mr. Lippross noted that the newsstand issue is specially designed to
introduce people to the Work and to encourage a subscription. Although we
do want to get the message contained in The Plain Truth into more new hands,
he cautioned that Mr. Armstrong doe's not want us to in any way "push or
force our message onto others," such as one religious group that goes door­
to-door. So discretion and balance were emphasized as very important in
promoting The Plain Truth. Mr. Lippro�s mentioned that yet other �ays for
members to promote and encourage broader readership of the "magazine
of understanding" are being considered.
In a recent Pastor's Report the Director of Publishing reported that the
Work has found it necessary to develop its own distribution system for Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong's book, The Incredible Human Potential. Although we
have recently contracted to have some commercial bookstore outlets (Dalton
Books, Doubleday and Walden Books) sell the book, we really need much
broader exposure for the book to get the size and quality of response we
are looking for.
"Most religious books published commercially in the United States," said
.'1r. Roger Lippross, "are distributed through the Christian Booksellers
Association. Unfortunately, The Incredible Human Potential has been refused
entry into this private distribution system because parts of the book are
not complimentary to the 'Christian' churches that back and support this
association." And so the Work of God is faced with another challenge which
"gives all of us another opportunity to overcome an obstacle which hinders
distribution of this book and its message."
Our own distribution system has been worked out, and Mr. Lippross solicited
each Pastor's support "to ensure that things go smoothly." This is the
program: A small display box has been designed and manufactured to hold