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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 25, 1979
Page 12
taking. The vast majority are glad that Mr. Armstrong is putting things
"back on the right track," and they are supporting him with confidence.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
This past week we had another visit from the people involved with the
Special Olympics and the Kennedy Foundation which sponsor and are the
driving force behind the games. AICF is involved through our "Outreach"
Program and Publishing is producing the souvenir grarnes program which is
going to be a very fine production. The Kennedy Foundation people have
been very impressed with us as individuals and with our facilities here
in Pasadena. They were even more impressed that during our darkest hours
during the struggle with the State of California that we still had time
for them.
The Quest advertising staff in New York sold about $40,000 worth of adver­
tising space for the program and at the special dinner recently Mrs. Ethel
Kennedy was making very complementary remarks about Quest and the Ambassador
Foundation to Phil DuVal, our advertising director.
The Special Olympics is for mentally retarded children 8 years of age and
older. These young people love the chance to show what they can do--in
fact the games in past years have changed the life of many of the partici-
--Roger Lippross
Mr. Armstrong has now approved the layouts on sigs 2 & 3 of the August
PT. Sig. 1 and the cover will be sent to him shortly.
Mr. Armstrong instructed me to get the US & B book into print as soon as
possible for church members and the mailing list. While the book is
scheduled to be published by Everest House soon, a special paper-back
edition will be printed for church usage. It will be approximately the
size of the old full-size edition of some years back. The copy will be
identical to that in the present PT series. This is not a reduced version
but a full, book-sized edition. As soon as layouts are done and the
graphics are approved we'll get it into production through Roger Lippross.
Mr. Armstrong is presently going over the copy on The Mark of the Beast
and we hope to shortly get that back into print after many years.
The booklet Did God Create a Devil? is also being sent to Mr. Armstrong
for rewriting. It has been in use for many years and he would now like
to do a rewrite on it. The present edition has been withdrawn from cir­
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
"The Worldwide Church of God NEWS SUMMARY" has now been renamed "The
Worldwide Church of God MEMBER'S HOTLINE." Actually, the MEMBER'S HOTLINE
is a summary of special late-breaking news in God's Work which would nor­
mally be announced from the pulpit each week. Thus this publication, in­
tended to be made available to heads of households in God's Church, allows