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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 18, 1979
Page 16
It has come to my attention that some have been concerned that an "ad hoc"
editorial department has been forming in the booklet inventory area. This
is not the case. Richard Rice's area does do periodic mailings involving
Church literature. They do have a very effective reprint program. But all
reprints are approved through the PT Editorial Department. No new material
is generated outside of this area or apart from Mr. Armstrong's personal
am pr3sently working with him on a number of projects involv­
ing Church literature. All material involving mailings is merely reprinted
literature already used in Church publications in some other form.
There are still vacancies for the
1979 Feast of Tabernacles in Jeru-
salem for those interested in attend­
ing there. Persons wanting informa­
tion concerning the trip should con­
tact their Feast adviser, even if they
have submitted an application for a
U.S. site (persons changing plans for
1979, however, should notify the
Feast Office concerning the changes).
Further information may also be ob­
tained by contacting Mrs. Betty Biedler,
Festival Office,
(213) 577-5310.
--Festival Department
--Brian Knowles
Examples of divine intervention, God's healing and other miracles, are
requested from the ministry as illustrations for a feature article for the
1979 Festival magazine. Members' accounts are welcome, but we request that
they be passed along through their minister.
Any examples, preferably recent ones, should be submitted as quickly as
possible: typesetting for the first of the magazines will begin during
the first week of July. Submissions may exclude names, but include as
many other particulars as possible (date, place it occurred, Church area,
etc. ) .
Submissions can be handwritten, but double-spaced, typewritten pages are
preferred. Send examples to: Ken Tate, Editor; Worldwide Convention
W. Green St., Pasadena, CA
--Festival Department