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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 18, 1979
Page 14
"And that is why," continued Mr. Rader, "Mr. Armstrong will not let them
off the hook regardless. He not only wants to be totally vindicated, but
to also prove that they don't have a right to do what they did, because
if they had a right to do what they did, even after we've won this lawsuit,
they could turn right around a year from now and come in and say, 'We don't
like what you are doing. We have a right to come in here by whim and
caprice and tell you what to do.'" Mr. Armstrong is simply not going to
be in the position where he is told by the state what is the gospel and
how or how not to fulfill the great commission.
Mr. Rader said "a sovereign /such as the state of California/ would be
willing to loose a lawsuit against us, not being able to prove that we did
something wrong, and still try to prove what? That they had a right to
make the inquiry and to do what they did about making the inquiry. In
other words, they are going to try desperately to win that point. They are
going to try desperately to win the fight that they haa-a-right to file a
lawsuit, to put a receiver in." But the state doesn't have the juris­
diction that it claims it has over us.
Conspiracy Being Brought Into the Glaring Light of Day
The cast cf characters in the conspiracy against God's Church is now pretty
well known to us. "I would say we know that the people who were involved
were the people whose names appeared /as relators in the lawsuit/ and a
lawyer back in New Jersey and a lawyer here and a Deputy Attorney General,
a corrupt judge and the ex-judge who wanted to make a lot of money," said
Mr. Rader. "But I don't think they thought the problem through very care­
fully," he observed. "They relied upon a lot of information that was false,
and they didn't protect themselves for what would happen if it were to back­
fire. But they were told by others, such as C. Wayne Cole, that there
wouldn't be any resistance, that everybody wanted Mr. Armstrong out of here
and that he was holding things up. Ron Dart has been quoted as saying, 'If
Mr. Armstrong had only died years ago, this Work would have been better
off!' Anybody believe that in this room? That's what he has been quoted
as saying: 'If he'd only died years ago, what we could have accomplished.'"
Mr. Rader continued, "In other words, they didn't think the problem through
... What would happen if Mr. Armstrong wasn't some senile old fool, lying
down there in Tucson in a state of semi-consciousness?
(That is what they
were told, 'Mr. Armstrong didn't know where it was all at!')
But they found
out in a hurry. His letters alone destroyed them! The whole power of the
state of 21 million people found out that Mr. Armstrong was not as his 'son,'
Ben Chapman, had stated in an affidavit."
It was also noted by Mr. Rader that "We now have incontrovertible evidence,
both in writing and under oath, that the conspiracy began prior to July
1978 /which was the earliest we had traced it to until now/." And what did
all these people say had been done which was wrong? Noth1ng. They admit
that--they just would have "done it differently!" Mr. Rader reminded every­
one that we have God's protection over us, "but that spiritual source they
didn't count on."
Mr. Armstrong "On Top of Things"
Mr. Armstrong has been conducting many meetings in his home in Tucson with
various key personnel, keeping right on top of things. "Anything that has