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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 18, 1979
Page 5
legal matters, and contacts with radio stations. He was distinctly the most
brilliant of the men we had used in these areas. In due time, later, we
discussed with Mr. Rader the matter of giving up his CPA and legal clients,
and devoting full time to us. The Work needed him.
In 1972, when Garner Ted Armstrong was banished from the Church and
College, and living in Colorado, all top-ranking ministers had turned against
Ted--but Stanley Rader stood loyally with me as TED'S ONLY FRIEND, in work­
ing to bring Ted back into the Work.
But once back, Ted started a campaign of persecution and character
assassination against Mr. Rader such as I have never witnessed, and have
never found chronicled in Biblical history.
W H Y, I ask again, WHY do some ministers and even some brethren lay
member�hink EVIL of Stanley Rader?
Could it be because he is "worldly-wise" and therefore able to give
the Work a help none of us can give? Is it because he has not tried to
"PUT ON" a religious or sanctimonious personality and appearance, and
appears "more worldly" than we--even though I know for a fact some well
recognizec'l. members or ministers are, in fact--especially Garner Ted--more
"worldly" in ATTITUDE and WAYS than Mr. Rader.
I do not want Mr. Rader to "PUT ON" a sanctimonious or religious-type
To sum up briefly, when I look at the RECORD--at the FRUITS--I find
them mostly GOOD--the GOOD far outweighing the bad. This Work could not
have come to the state of success in God's eyes that it has otherwise.
Mr. Rader is not perfect--nor am I--nor are YOU! But maybe now, all
of you who have GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT will have a little more KINDLINESS in your
attitude toward the one my son would paint as Satan incarnate. "Judge NOT
that ye be not judged!"
* * * * *
by Herbert W. Armstrong
In God's Church in our time I have seen how Satan cleverly and without
their knowledge uses humans to destroy GOD'S TRUTH and inject false or
counterfeit doctrines instead.
The record, in our time, has been written. And the record has been
written of how it was done in the first-three centuries of the church.
The Church of God started out, 31 A.D., under the original apostles,
taught personally by Jesus Christ, pure in doctrines.
Yet by about 58 A.D., the Apostle Paul wrote to the churches of Galatia,
"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the