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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 18, 1979
leaders, and they are yielding completely to Satan's will!
hesitate to call a spa<le a spade!
Page 3
I no longer
But what Jesus Christ raised up is the CHURCH OF GOD. Today it encom­
passes the earth, so we call it The WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD! Garner Ted
bragged to me'that HE built this Church. It was BUILT when he was 3 years
old! Much, much later, my son was allowed to have microphones before him
that went out on hundreds of stations. But what CHRIST BUILT through his
father placed those mircophones before him. He STARTED nothing! He pio­
neered NOTHING! But a letter from one woman member illustrates what happened.
She first heard of us through one of my son's TV programs and wrote for lit­
erature. She read booklets that I wrote, on what is Salvation, what is the
Kingdom of God, What Do You Mean,-"BORN AGAIN?" etc. And THESE BOOKLETS led
to her conversion. There have to be many like that.
Let me close with one thought. It is now a little late in life for me
to turn to Satan's way, as so many others in high places have done.
God never yet has let one·through whom He STARTED a great project turn
wrong--and He has never yet let such an appointed leader of His die until
his job was FINISHED!
* * * * *
About Stanley R. Rader
WHY I keep Mr. .Rader on as my assistant, in
spite of the biggest character assassination
campaign in God's Church.
by Herbert W. Armstrong
W H Y, I ask, WHY has Stanley R. Rader been persecuted, with a bitter
campaign of character assassination against him as no other man in or
associated with the Church.
Those who have HATED Mr. Rader could not tell you WHY. I think it's
time the Church membership and pastors come to grips with this question.
The fountain source that has spewed out this bitter hatred is my own
son, Garner Ted Armstrong.
But if I ask this, that, or the other minister or church member, "WHY?"
They can't answer! ·Much of this character assassination has taken plac�
in the faculty locker room in Pasadena, guzzling beer. Little personal
snide remarks have built up a giant wall against Stanley Rader.
I look at the "fruits" and they are virtually all VERY GOOD!
There's an old saying to the effect that "He who steals my purse steals
trash, but he who besmears my character steals the most precious and valuable
thing I have."