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DR. WARD ALREADY ON THE JOB!. Just days ago Mr. Ted Armstrong
appointed Dr. Donald Ward, former academic dean on the Texas campus,
as executive vice president of the college in Pasadena. Dr. Ward
is already here in Pasadena getting acquainted with those he will be
working with and gathering data from administration, faculty and
students that will help him perform his duties. The family move will
be complete as soon as his two daughters finish this year's schooling
in Texas. Meanwhile he plans to commute to his home in Tyler, Texas
on as many weekends as possible.
MPC UPDATE The week of March 24 was slightly below average for the
mail, but the brief lull actually helped us to catch up from previous
heavy weeks. We received approximately 30,000 letters during the
week, and 9,505 phone calls. Response to the Building Fund letter
continued to be a significant item in the mail.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
DOLLAR WOES The pressure on the U.S. dollar continues unabated. In
Tokyo this morning, the yen slipped to another record low, just
barely above 225 yen to the dollar. When I was in Tokyo last July
the rate was 270!
Stories out of the oil producing nations are hinting more and more
that some OPEC powers, so alarmed over the decline of the dollar,
are pushing for a cut in the link between oil price and the dollar;
that is, no longer to price it in American currency but in another,
or perhaps a new rate reflecting several strong currencies, such as
the D-mark, Swiss franc and the yen.
If such a move occurred -- and there are some doubts it can be
effected now, since the dollar is the world's only major reserve
currency -- there could be a massive dumping of the dollar around
the world collapsing its value even more. If OPEC does not adopt
such a move at this date, it is certainly a possibility later on.
They may just settle for a hike in price of oil for now.
Meanwhile, President Carter enbarks on a weeklong foreign trip,
leaving behind urgent memos from top officials to exercise his
presidential power and impose a stiff tax on imported oil. He is
not likely to do so unless the OPEC mini-sununit on April-
3 forces
his hand.
--Gene H. Hogberg, News Bureau
ABOUT THAT PT COVER: I got back from New York the other night, tired,
jet-lagged and bone weary only to find that I had been receiving
phone calls about the cover of the April PT. I had not yet seen a
printed edition myself. Apparently advance copies had been widely
circulated here in Pasadena.
The cover picture, basically a head and shoulders shot of a couple
embracing, was to illustrate Bob Ginskey's article entitled "Who
Invented Sex?" which is actually an anti-evolution piece. Some were
apparently "very angry" about the cover, apprehensive about the
reaction of the more conservative element on our mailing list. A