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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 4, 1979
,John 15:
4--Separated branches are not "joined together."
John 15:5-7--Separated branches are not getting nourishment from the vine.
I Cor. 1:10--We must all speak the same thing.
Cor. 1:11-13--If we don't speak the same thing, we are like the
Corinthians following separate groups.
The Church is the body of Christ. If we. are all cue up as separate
members, how can we be a whole body, as the body of Christ is pictured?
I Cor. 12: 4-6--There is o·nly ONE Church. There are many functions
within that one Church, but we must all speak the same thing to be
the body of Christ.
How do we speak the same thing? By God's Government which is from the
top down.
Cor. 1:10--Re-emphasis; we must all speak the same thing.
Rom. 16:17-18--We are to mark those that cause division.
II Thess. 3:6,14--Withdraw from those of contrary beliefs and behavior.
Broken branches wither and die. We must staz together in order to be
part of God's Church!
Since Dr. Meredith and most of the PAD team have been away on Pentecost
trips to various churches in the U.S., there is no letter for this issue of
the Pastor's Report. Dr. Meredith will be writing again for the next issue.
We are pleased to announce that the new introductory version of the Plain
Truth is now ready for distribution. This introductory PT is part of
our planned program of readership follow-up service worked out by circula­
tion manager, Boyd Leeson, and Richard Rice's Mail Processing team. We
will be mailing this new PT to all our brand new readers to introduce them
to us as an organization and hopefully answer some of their questions about
what's behind the Plain Truth.
Another plus for this introductory PT is that we shall be mailing it to
our new readers much closer to when they request a subscription. We hope
to cut the lead time down (before we mail it out to a new reader) Erom 4-6
weeks to 7-10 days.
One last bit of good news is that the new 16-page Newsstand PT is pulling
in an initial response that is as good as the old 32-paqe Newsstand PT, and
at a little more than half the cost of the old one.
--Roger Lippross