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.PAST9R Is REPORT' June 4'
19 79
This letter continues: "I don't have to tell you that man's
desires are carnal and that Satan's pulls are always in a mqnner away
from the Truth. I'd sure like to find some excuse to spend that third
tithe money some other way. And it sure is easy to do that when God's
ministers aren't constantly proclaiming God's commands, and aren't
powerfully preaching His ways, expounding His laws! Exhorting the
brethren!! Exposing their sins!!!
"And what happened to sermons on birthdays being wrong, New Year's
celebrations being wrong, Valentine's Day being wrong? We need someone
to speak out solidly and loudly and firmly, not saying ... 'you do what­
ever you want.' But saying, 'God condemns those who follow their own
ways and Satan's ways. He refuses to bless them and He curses them'-­
and then giving them scriptures.
"I pray often that you will once again stomp and speak thunder­
ingly, and pound your fists until you drive it into peoples' minds what
is right and what is wrong, and get rid of this wishy-washy preaching
of ministers under youl Let's not be so tirnid .... We need to shake
people up! Respectfully, " (SIGNED).
But now back to where I started. I think that most of us tend
to lose sight of what God has done in raising up this Philadelphia era
of the true Church of God.
In my forthcoming book, A VOICE CRIES OUT, I state that, of all
the world's many religions and""l:he more than 250 Protestant denomina­
tions, NOT ONE, except the original small persecuted Church of God knows
WHO and WHAT God is: NOT ONE knows WHA'r and WHY man is; NOT ONE knows
the true Gospel Message God sent to mankind by Jesus Christ, etc., €tc.
I ask, in this book, HOW would a Buddhist in Thailand ever come
to the TRUTH? He has known nothing since birth but Buddhism. How would
a Moslem, living right here where I am writing this--in Tunis, Tunisia-­
ever come to God's real TRUTH??
How DID those who wrote the Bible--the very WORD OF GOD--come
to know God's TRUTH? God had to perform a miracle in the beginning
to reveal His TRUTH TO Moses by the incident of the burning bush. God
had to speak to Moses direct, to give him the knowledge he wrote in the
How did the Apostle Paul come to know God's precious TRUTH, dis­
tinct from the Judaism he had been born to and raised in?
HOW--in the U.S., or elsewhere in today's world--could YOU have
come to know such precious TRUTH, born and raised completely surrounded
and engulfed by either Roman Catholic or Protestant-brand "Christianity?"
More to the point, HOW DID YOU come into thls precious knowledge?
As I wrote at the beginning of this Pastor's Report, the Living
Jesus Christ CALLED ME. He used a method such as NONE of you had to
go through. He completely UPSET me! He made me see that just about
ALL that I had been taught about religion was WRONG. I was WR.ONG about