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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 29, 1979
Page 6
I have just been instructed by Mr. Armstrong to kill the booklet titled
Where is God's True Church Today? It will be replaced by the new printing
of his booklet, This is the Worldwide Church of Sod, which is now in pro­
duction. This new booklet (copy the same as the series in the PT) has been
advertised in the Los Angeles Times ad and on the TV special that was men­
tioned in the last Pastor's Report.
The June/July PT is now off the press and looking good. We hope it will be
a winner. Some copy for the August PT has already been sent to Mr. Armstrong
for his editing and approval.
--Brian Knowles, Editorial
As some of you may have noticed, the last issue of The Worldwide News has
not reached you yet. Our issue datelined May 21 has been delayed in
printing by almost a full week due to a paper shortage caused by a paper
mill strike of the past few months. Although the strike has been settled,
there is currently a severe shortage of newsprint because the mills' stocks
were exhausted during the strike and they have yet to catch up with the
current demand. We hope the situation will ease somewhat by our next
printing date, but we won't know for sure until then. Publication dates
of The Worldwide News may even be sporadic for a while. Meanwhile, please
bear with us and explain the situation to your congregations.
--D.H. Faulkner, WN
Focus on Europe: Greece to Join EEC; Pope to Travel; Europe to the Polls-­
On Monday May 28, Greece formally signed the Treaty of Accession with the
European Economic Community which will make it the Common Market's tenth
member on January 1, 1981. Greece's acceptance came after tough negotia­
tions of more than two years and will not come into force until the above
date in order to allow for ratification by the parliaments of the other
nine countries.
The treaty was signed by Greek Premier Konstantin Karamanlis. French
President Valery Giscard d' Estaing signed on behalf of the Community.
Karamanlis, who has worked for his country's entry for 18 years was ecstas­
tic over the successful culmination of his efforts.
"At this moment, I am personally overwhelmed by deep emotion," Karamanlis
said. "A steady vision and an unswerving belief in the necessity of a
United Europe and in the European destiny of my country have at long last,
after 18 years, found their justification..• She (Greece) joins you in the
struggle for the creation of a new Europe which will change the destiny
of our continent and, perhaps, of the world."
The Premier said that despite the slow movement toward a United Europe,
important steps have been taken including the upcoming elections for a
European parliament and the establishment of a European Monetary System.