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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 21, 1979
Page 5
month last year! April's figure was 33.5% up, bringing the year-to-date
income increase to 35.6%.
The Unleavened Bread Holy Day offerings also reflected this excellent
income trend. Holy Day attendances were up by 4.5% over last year, and the
offerings were 31% up on last year. Their April report states:
"Because of the recent rate of increased income, and because we'd like to
do our best to serve the many thousands of new P:ain Truth subscribers
being added in the current campaign, we've decided to step out in faith
and go from our present 32-page magazine to a full 48-page Plain Truth,
hopefully beginning with the July-August issue.
"We're also beginning to plan ahead for a nationwide series of campaigns
by Bob Morton, to be held in about 9 months time. These campaigns will
be timed to give a powerful witness to our huge new batch of Plain Truth
subscribers just before they come up for renewal of the magazine."
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
The second in a series of the new interview-format "World Tomorrow" pro­
grams is to be televised, initially, in Los Angeles and Tucson on May 27,
and on first-leg stations the following week.
(Please refer to the accom­
panying schedule for specific station play dates.)
In this program, titled "Church vs State--Part 2," Art Gilmore continues
his interview with Herbert W. Armstrong, who discusses the spiritual and
physical implications of the ongoing court battle.
Please inform your members and post the airing schedule so they may watch
this informative program.
The sound track of this program is scheduled to air on radio stations carry­
ing The World Tomorrow, Sunday, May 27, and Wednesday, May 30.
--John Lundberg, Media
In the last issue of the Pastor's Report we mentioned a new service deve­
loped for Mail Processing by the Data Processing Center. It is called the
1ember Progression Report." We explained how this new report can help us
evaluate the growth patterns of newly baptized members--and give us insight
in how to develop programs to help potential donors, co-workers, and pros­
pective members in their spiritual growth.
Now, in this issue, we'd like to share with you an example of what the
".v1ember Progression Report" can actually show us.
The following is a
brief summary of the data for March 1979:
The Member Progression Report showed that 252 people were entered in the
computer as being baptized in March 1979. This is how they all compared:
2 3% ( 58) were not on the mailing list. (They were probably
friends or members of Church families, and had access to the
Work's literature).
(Continued on pasc 7)