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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 21, 1979
Page 3
And thanks for all of your hard work, loyalty and support! It is
much appreciated, and I am sure that under Christ's leadership, we will
be able to turn the Church around and have the kind of solid growth we
all desire in the months and years to come. So keep up the good work!
Southeast Asia
Burmese Tour: Mr. Saw Lay Beh, our Local Elder in Burma, reported that
there were five baptisms just before Passover. Also, five Co-Workers have
been added and are showing a great deal of interest in God's truth and Work.
Malaysian Tour: The results of a tour conducted by Mr. Rod McQueen and
Mr. Chris Hunting during the latter half of April were very encouraging.
Bible Study lectures were held in five cities in West Malaysia and 59 new
people attended.
Mr. McQueen and Mr. Hunting also traveled to Sabah and Sarawak in East
Malaysia. As well as visiting with members and prospectives there, contact
was made with five new people interested in the Work of God.
Further details of the Malaysian and Burmese tours will appear in the
Worldwide News.
(From the Australian April Report)
"At the beginning of February, the Australian Plain Truth mailing list stood
at 40,218. Today it is over 56,500. This excellent increase of over
16,000 Plain Truth subscribers during the last three months has resulted
mainly from our ads in national magazines and state newspapers, from
responses to our house-holder card promotions, and from our special letter
to non-active Plain Truth subscribers.
"We are continuing to promote The Plain Truth magazine through ads in
national magazines and state newspapers. For the past ten weeks responses
have been averaging over 1200 per week, with the total at the end of the
month standing at 12,205.
"In addition to our regular weekly ads in state newspapers, the second week
in June we will be placing one five-column ad in 38 leading country news­
papers; our goal being a subscription list of 100,000 by the end of the
New Zealand
April was another very successful month for God's Work in New Zealand.
For the fourth month in a row, income was up by more than 30% over the same