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NEWS SUMMARY, May 7, 1979
Page 4
"The matter is proceeding in the normal course of events. It is a pro­
cess of elimination. They /the IRS/ obviously were given the same type
of false information as was-the Attorney General and they are duty-bound
to chase these leads down. But I don't work for any other entities
Lother than God's Wor�.7 nor do I receive benefits from them."
Troubles Could Have Been Avoided
During the meeting Mr. Rader stressed the importance of understanding how
heinous were the actions of Mr. Cole and others who conspired with him.
"If we had known for certain about the lawsuit we could have stopped it.
That was the Benedict Arnold nature of Mr. Cole, Mr. Antion, Dr. Kuhn
and others, some of whom are probably still working for us," Mr. Rader
"Mr. Armstrong has said we are not going to go on a 'witch hunt.' We
know who some of those people are, we know where their sympathies were.
But Chapman, for example, admitted under close questioning he had been
called by the attorney who represented the dissidents. He never told Mr.
Armstrong, he never told me, he never told Mr. Helge. He then went down
there and he signed an affadavit attacking Mr. Armstrong."
Mr. Rader continued to explain that "other people were involved. If we
had known for certain� one day before, this lawsuit would never have
occurred. The whole thing could have been prevented by one phone call!
That's the nature of Mr. Cole's misconduct. Now he told Mr. Armstrong
that a lawsuit was coming, but he didn't say where it was coming from,
he didn't say he knew the people that were involved, he didn't give him
/Mr. Armstrong/ the information necessary for us to act. When Mr.
Armstrong asked me about it I said, 'I haven't even heard the rumor.'"
Mr. Rader mentioned that a few months before, Mr. Helge had lunch with
Mr. Cole to talk about certain rumors in the field. Mr. Helge started to
explain that these rumors were false and what should be said. Mr. Cole
then told Mr. Helge, "We don't want your help. We just want to tell you
what the conditions are."
"The whole thing was very beautifully orchestrated," said Mr. Rader. "It
just didn
t work. It caused some damage and it brought a lawsuit, but
it /turned out/ much different than it was planned. But for the fact
that the state is involved, the whole problem would be behind us. Now,
as long as we've got the problem we want to maximize the coverage and the
value of keeping the name of the Worldwide Church of God out in front so
more people will want to know about it.· I am certain that more and more
people will be mindful of the need to know more about the Worldwide Church
of God."
About Mr. Rader's Statement "By God You've Got It!"
A few people have been critical of Mr. Rader's remark, "By God you've got
it," made to Mike Wallace on the "60 Minutes" program. At the end of the
employee meeting Mr. Rader recalled what led up to that point in the inter­
view and what he had in mind at the time.