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agreeing not ,to block' key CD l�gislation. Now, however,
::.·(·'i�\�i; �!(� . :.-:�­
have won acceptance by the Catholic-based Christian
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Democrats to be included in the "parliamentary majority." ·Tl,le Reds
will vote in, support and even help guide the. new government. WhJle .t':::;Jt � �\.; .
they will hold no cabinet posts they will have influence in naming · tr;.;
some of the ministers who will serve in the new government•.
Thus the Italian Communists are but an inch away from forming the
"Historic Compromise" they have long sought, which means essentially
full sharing of power with the Christian Democrats. And that,
turn, could be but a prelude to exclusive Connnunist control of Italian
national affairs.
--Gene Hogberg, News Bureau
Pastor Plays Dan Thomas Tape
Recently I played for both Columbus and Indianapolis, Indiana,
on the Sabbath in place of the sermon, the tape of Dan Thomas'
talk to the youth in Big Sandy during the International Youth
Conference. I have had man :( conunents from adults t
at it
really was helpful and inspiring. They said it related to
their children very well. I would recommend that maybe you
mention in the Pastor's Report that the tape might be helpful
to the Church if played.
--Vernon Hargrove, Columbus-Indianapolis, IN
General Conunents
I was ready to throw the towel in quite a few times when it
came td life, but after reading some of the material I've been
receiving from you, which has really educated me on a lot of
things, I want to live. I want to know God, serve Him and be
a real Christian.
--Paul Anthony Gendrew (Cincinnati, OH)
Through this Work of God, God has opened my eyes to the most
important truths I could ever come to know. No price could be
put on the peace and understanding I now have because of God's
Church. Even though I am only 18 and a student, I hope this
money can be used to help another life come to see the Truth.
--Todd Engel (Hendersonville, TN)
Some months ago I came across a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH
magazine lying in the street. This was my first introduction
to your Work. How it has helped me! Thank you for making
your publications free. It helps me to believe, even more,
that you are doing His Work.
--Rebecca A. Justice (Grand Rapids, MI)
Response to AICF Concerts
The following two letters from professional people in the
Southern California area express appreciation for the cultural
contributions made by AICF and Ambassador Auditorium. The first