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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 7, 1979
Page 5
me, for this, connected with other happenings, caused me to lose total
faith in and respect for a man I had esteemed highly and loved.
Himself showed me that this man was part of the conspiracy to destroy
or take over God's Church, and several events., of which this is one;
have since verified what I knew ur1mistakably God had put in my mind.
It is sad and regrettable that in this mortal life we do nave to
frequently learn that those we had loved and to whom we had entrusted
major responsibilities were not worthy of tnat trust"
God says "T:cust
no man."
* * *
Greetings Fellow Ministers!
Mr. Meredith will be returning from San Antonio, Texas today
after completion of a three-night campai,:;Jn there. Word from the team there
indicates it was a fine beginning for our campaign seri2s. Attendance ranged
from about 288 to 432. New attendance was low from the beginning, however,
ranging from 85 to 58, but the program went very well, and the brethren
and new people were very appreciative.
Next weekend, May 11-13, I will be conducting a campaign in Denver,
Colorado, so would certainly appreciate your prayers for its success.
There are seven campaigns planned for the months of May through the
first weekend in August.
We will enclose the dates, places, and
speakers at these campaigns in this Pastor's Report as a reminder so
that you can ask the brethren to pray for God's blessing on each of
Last week I was in Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon for
meetings with all of our ministers and wives in those areas.
Mr. Norman
Smith joined me in Portland and we had a very profitable time discussing
the various problems and needs of the ministers and churches in those
Certainly the northwest has to be one of the most stable areas
church-wise in the U.S.
The ministers up there are doing a very fine
job and expressed their loyalty to God:s Work and to his apostle, Mr.
Herbert Armstrong.
Mr. Smith is doing an excellent job as area co­
ordinator and I want to thank him publ.i.. cly for the way he is working
with the minsiters and churches in his area.
Included in this Pastor:s Report will be a list of the summer trans­
fers including men going out from Sabbatical and those coming in.
have tried to take into consideration all the various factors and the
personal needs and desires of the ministers and wives affected.
sometimes the need for a certain minister for a certain area overrides
personal considerations and we must put God's Work and the needs i11 His
Church first in our lives.
.Meredith and all of us here on the Pastoral Administration
want to thank those of you being moved or transferred for your loyal,
cooperative attitudes.
I think most of you are happy with your assi,gn­
ments, but there may be a few cases of disappointment.
I am sure God