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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 7, 1979
Page 3
Radio opened to me. I had planned to publish a magazine called The
PLAIN TRUTH. After radio opened to me, the way was opened February 1,
1934, to publish this magazine on a mimeograph.
The Church and the Work GREW -- 30% a year for 35 years. GOD
GREATLY! By 1946 God showed me the need to establish a
college where young and up-coming ministers might be trained. There
was no money available for it -- just as there had never been sufficient
money for anything -- and all was done on sheer FAITH -- that FAITH
which God GAVE me through His Holy Spirit. In due time there was a
college established in England, and one in Big Sandy, Texas.
Just what� my place in the Work?
God STARTED IT through me. He used me in founding Ambassador College.
He has used me in starting and MANAGING The PLAIN TRUTH, the GOOD NEWS -­
EVERY FACET OF THE WORK. I never JOINED this Church -- God started it
through me.
Christ, as living HEAD of the Church and Work, has used me
as His chosen Apostle.
No member is still living who was a member when
the Church (Philadelphia era) was founded. The Church STARTED with me,
and my 'vife Loma. Actually, for seven years, we were the only members
of this Philadelphia era. We alone kept all the annual Holy Days. We
did fellowship (meet with) those of the Sardis era -- but never "joined"
Jesus Christ STARTED this present era of God's Church through me.
On the human level, I have ALWAYS MANAGED IT, since the present era
Christ, as Head, has never raised up another Apostle.
heads and RUNS the Church and all its Work through me.
He still
I am, by force of circumstance, the chosen Apostle, and only and
sole HUMAN leader of this Church and its entire Work.
NO MAN, or POWER of man, put me in charge of this Church and Work
and NO MAN OR POWER OF MAN CAN PUT ME OUT! The authorized, though un­
constitutional and illegal POWER, of the largest State in the Union
TRIED to put me out.
THE RECEIVER FAILED! He resigned! The Courts, hostile to the Work
of the Living God, have not appointed any further "Deceivers." I hope
this makes clear my place in the Church.
* * * * *
by Herbert
In the April 23 Pastor's Report is a statement about Mr. C. Wayne
Cole having illegally taped a private telephone conversation with me.
As I remember it, I had asked or gotten word to Mr. Cole to go to a
private telephone where there would be no danger of the telephone having
been "bugged" or someone listening
over our own Pasadena exchange.