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PASTOR'S REPORT, April 30, 1979
Page 3
Mr. Bicket's Memo to Department Managers
WELL, we made it through the Spring Feast! Now what? That is a
very good question. First, the combined Spring Holy Day offerings
were up 3.4% over last year. This is a dollar per person more
than last year in spite of the fact that members have responded
with almost one million dollars in special offerings since January.
The regular income is continuing to come in at an increased rate
over last year, so our income picture is indeed looking rather
Now, we must look at the expenditures. We have lost and never will
receive the monies taken from our bank to pay back loans, but with
few exceptions, EVERYONE is under budget!·! The combination of good
income and underspent budgets has allowed us to squeak by the annual
cash flow crunch with only a few scratches. Now we hope we are
clear to sail ahead at a more normal speed until the fall. We are
now looking DOWN STREAM at our next cash flow problem and can see
that it will occur during August and September. We are presently
negotiating with four different banks in hopes that we will be
able to have cash flow lines available for that period. At present,
the prospects LOOK GOOD! We'll keep you posted on our progress on
Recommendations We would like to suggest that you think through
your MAY BUDGET and begin to get your departments back to a more
NORMAL operation. HOWEVER, we would like to ask that you NOT play
CATCH UP with your budget. That is, please don't SPEND all the
money you just saved or we will create a cash crisis all over again.
If at all possible, please JUST SPEND the�aining portion of
your budget for the year. I realize that this may be impossible,
but if we can all do this we will make it through the rest of t�e
year without another budget cut (at least we THINK we can!J.
For the first time here, we have reproduced sections of the monthly news
and information bulletin
put out recently by the International Offices.
Some very encouraging and exciting news is included, and we hope to
continue sharing this with you in the future via a regular summary Rod
Matthews will put together from material coming into the International
New Zealand
�nat an exciting, record-breaking month! Over 15,000 items of mail
poured into the office during March -- by far the biggest monthly mail
figure ever in the history of the New Zealand Work. But that's not all!
The income figure for March was also the biggest monthly figure ever!
For the third consecutive month, income was up by more than 30% over the
same month last year. March's figure was 38.6% up, bringing the year­
to-date income increase to 36.3%.
After careful analysis, we believe this phenomenal growth in income is
due mainly to the increased religious content of The Plain Truth coupled