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PASTOR'S REPORT, April 23, 1979
Page 3
You see, God's Church in our time was founded, and built, on the
teachings and doctrines that the living Christ had taught me. He raised
up this Church through ME, when Ted was yet three years old--although one
of the ridiculous and outrageous statements he has made is that HE,
Garner Ted, built the Worldwide Church of God! All of which (the hostile
disagreement) is very regretful to me. In spite of the fact that he
continually DISHONORS his father now, (cf. Ex. 20:12--and the COMMANDMENT
does not say "Fathers must deserve their sons' honor") I grieve more than
you can know at his present attitude and ungodly performance.
But I tried to make a "father-and-son" relationship work at the
head of God's Church AND IT DIDN'T WORK!
I think you all will remember the diagram I used to draw and
publish showing what I mistakenly conceived as GOD'S chain of authority
and form of Church Government. I had God the Father at the top--top in
authority, then Christ next under God. Then, on the human plane myself
under Christ, and Garner Ted under me--with departments such as "Mail
Processing," "Financial Affairs," "Ambassador College," "CAD" as we used
to call it, etc. etc. under Ted.
What was WRONG with that diagram and form of chu�ch organization?
It allowed Ted to simply SHUT OFF myself, Christ and God·--all above him,
since the diagram showed all else under Ted. Now I had MEANT IT to
represent that all departments were under ME and under CHRIST and under
GOD. But Ted didn't see it the way I did-,-or administer it the way I
authorized. He took ALL power to himself. The men in the top positions,
such as Mr. Meredith, Mr. McNair, Dr. Hoeh, Dibar Apartian, Norman Smith,
Dennis Luker, were either demoted and ridiculed, or shanghaied away to
some other part of the earth. Ted surrounded himself with a small group,.
with whom he felt comfortable.
But, even though a Father-and-Son relationship does work PERFECTLY
on the divine level, it did not--and I think now that God knew it NEVER
WOULD--work out harmoniously on the human level.
I have not made a whole lot of mistakes--but I stanc on record
that when mistakes are brought to my mind, I do CORRECT THEM! And I
fervently hope each of you do the same.
But when I look into the Bible to see how God organized His Church
on the HUMAN level, I find something altogether DIFFERENT than the divine
In Acts 7:38 ancient Israel under Moses was called "the church
in the wilderness." A change was made in the Church from physical to
spiritual--from carnality to Spirit-mindedness. But GOD does not change,
nor does His form of human governmental organization.
So, start with the beginning of the Church. God put MOSES as
human leader. Who was "second in command"? Ah! We may look in vain-­
but NOBODY was second in command, and over all Israel, except Moses�
Did the people say, when Moses was 87 years old, "We must vote for
someone to take his place, for Moses is certain to die in the next day or
two." No, Moses did not die at 87 and even did marry again. The point
I wish to make, and hope ALL OF YOU GET THE POINT, is, Moses did not die