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"Now that we are in the appellate process," continued Mr. Rader, "there
is no longer outside interference with our daily operations. We now have
to do all
can to recapture the normalcy we had. Our income and
credit has suffered, but things are looking up in the long run. Hope­
fully we can weather this cash-flow problem with the least amount of
confusion and inconvenience to the fewest number of people. But it is
still going to be a financial battle until we get through the summer."
"Case Of The Century"
Mr. Rader said we have been "catapulted right to the forefront of what
is really the most important church-state issue in 200 years! A day
doesn't go by without receiving phone calls from around the country.
Radio and television interview offers -- everyone is interested. Now
even evangelists in the country are very much concerned along with the
major denominations.
"Maybe the whole thing grew out of the Jim Jones thing, but from the
education I've been getting, even that isn't true. The state of Calif­
ornia began to push its nose into church affairs two years ago! So
maybe Jim Jones, in their opinion, made it easier for the state to
increas� the level of their activities. There are a few fanatics up
there in Sacramento who believe that anything other than a major deno­
mination is suspect."
Mr. Rader pointed out that our whole case would have been a disaster if
we did not have the intelligence, the will and the help of God to fight
this battle. He praised local Church volunteers who helped immensely
by putting in long hours in many different capacities. Otherwise it would
simply have been impossible!
Must Capitalize on the Publicity
During the meeting Mr. Rader fielded many diverse questions. In comment­
ing about the travesty of justice during the last two and one half months,
he emphasized that "we must take advantage of this whole experience. It
is a truly remarkable thing that has happened. But it did and it really
is going to be -- both in the short and long run -- a great blessing and
opportunity. This is the time to capitalize on the attention and publi­
city we have been getting. While our name is a household word in some
parts Lof the countr�7, we should use this to help our message register
with more impact. "
Our TV documentary on the crisis should be ready very soon. We're going
to have full-page ads around the country like we have had here in the
Los.Angeles Times. Other churches have asked for permission to print
the first ad in their local papers. The group in Milwaukee headed by
Tom Grede wants to print it there, and another in Calgary. Mr. Meredith
is already making plans for campaigns in these cities where the ad will
have run.
New TV Format Being Tried
The employees learned that last Sunday Mr. Armstrong taped a program
utilizing a question and answer format for the first time. Art Gilmore
asks the questions spontaneously, and Mr. Armstrong answers them. Mr.
Rader thinks the show "really bounces all around and you really get to