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short-handed from having to let people go, and behind because of the
large amount of time and energies that have had to be expended in respondĀ­
ing to this receivership crisis.
If you are unable to carry these unreimbursed expenses any longer,
Accounting has assured us that they will pull yours to the top of the
pile and get your check to you as soon as possible. If your need is
urgent, please let us know and we'll contact Accounting immediately.
Thank you very much for the patience you've shown in this matter.
--Ted Herlofson, Ministerial Services
Production of our new 16-page promotional PT designed for newsstand
reader response is well under way. Plans call for distribution to start
with the May issue.
It may be of interest to know that Les McCullough is restarting the PT
newsstand program-in Canada. David Hulme will manage the program from
Vancouver, and we in Pasadena will give them as much help as we can in
the way of production backup, newsstand racks, and other promotional
materials. Canada will distribute 50,000 PTs both in English and French
starting with the May issue.
--Roger Lippross, Production Director
The present financial situation in the Work is necessitating certain
economies in the publishing area. We are planning combined issues of
the PT (US edition) for June/July and for October/November again this
year. In addition, we have been given the go-ahead to produce a 16-page
newsstand edition instead of the usual 32-page edition. This will be more
of an advertising piece than a magazine. We hope it will be highly
successful in producing new subscribers for the regular edition of the
PT in the United States.
This is now the fourth or fifth year running that we have had to have
combined issues of the PT ( i.e. 10 issues instead of 12 per year). We
hope that some day the financial picture will improve sufficiently that
we will be able to return to 12 full issues per annum.
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
EMS UNDERWAY: After a delay of approximately 2-1/2 months, the European
Monetary System (EMS) has finally begun. Approval for the EMS launch
was given at the Common Market Summit conference early this week in Paris.
The EMS was delayed because of a French-German dispute over the Common
Market's agricultural pricing structure. This was resolved last week
when France accepted a compromise. Significantly, the British, whose
food prices have been pushed up because of the subsidies granted
continental farmers, did not accept the compromise arrangement. Since
Britain will not join the EMS either (although the pound will be kept in