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The tuition raise may seem rather steep to some until it is compared
to the inflation rate over the same three years since the last raise
took place. The increase doesn't come close to breaking even with
actual costs but it will help. Even with an increase in tuition,
the church is subsidizing each camper to the tune of nearly $300.
With these changes we still expect to have a paid staff and a top
quality program as in the years past.
Gossip Word has come back to us that some pastors announced after
the conference that Y.O.U. was being phased out. We did not mean to
give that impression when we stated that the national sports activities
had been cut until finances permitted them to be reestablished.
Some damage has been done to our income as a result of that word as
some may have decided to stop donating since they thought the program
no longer existed. If you know of any who feel Y.O.U. has been wiped
out, perhaps you can set the record straight.
One other juicy one that comes to
and the Pacific Northwest is that
far as we know this is not true.
still receives a paycheck.
us from around Southern California
Jim Thornhill has been fired. So
He still comes to work each day and
Isn't that true,Jim? He says "Yes, I'm still here." So much for
that one.
"Now You Know"Special A special issue of "Now You Know" is coming out
soon. In it will be a total update on all the facets of Y.O.U.,
as well as special editorials on pertinent subjects. A detailed
article on Y.E.S. will outline our progress to date. A complete
financial picture for Y.O.U. and how the cuts have affected the
program will also be included. Plans for S.E.P. and a complete
report on how and when to apply as a camper or a worker will be in­
Y.O.U. Income For whatever reasons are involved, the donations from
the youth have fallen drastically! From January 1, to January 31, the
income dropped from $5800 per week to $90 per week. If the reason
lies in confusion as to where and how to donate, please remind your
teens to mail them to the address Mr. Armstrong has specified for
tithes and offerings in his recent letters. Tell them to mark clearly
their age somewhere on or with the contribution.
It was reconfirmed this week that all youth donations will continue
to be dedicated to the Church's youth programs as they are considered
vital to the growth and welfare of families in the Church.
General Most of the basketball regionals were scheduled this week­
end and last. It is being reported that all is going very well at
the competitions and the occasions are being used to have special
Sabbath meetings with many churches being represented. It is a time
when the youth can take special part in services since so many of
them are present for the special event.