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The CPNR for Mr. Armstrong's telecast has been reduced by two and
one half times since last July. This was accomplished with no
promotion or print ads. If money were available, I'm certaii:lwe
could improve the response significantly over the next six months.
On the other hand, the radio program has shown no improvement over
the past six months, and the CPNR is now running 4.36 times that of
The recent budget cuts have mandated the postponement of the P.T.
program pilot and the new programs scheduled for the fall. As soon
as money becomes avilable, we will be able to continue on this
--John Lundberg, Media Production
In my last report, I mentioned about doing the same job in publishing
with less money because of the financial problems we have at the
A reduction in the Plain Truth newsstand program would be very serious
indeed if we didn't replace the loss with something else, because
over 60% of all new people who come into contact with this Work, at
the moment, come from the Plain Truth newsstand program.
a cut in this program would mean a cut in our growth.
We have now had approved what many of us feel is a great solution to
the problem of adding the same number of new names to the PT list
each month at much less cost.
At the moment we print and distribute approximately one million 32-page
PT's on the newsstands, the vast majority of which are picked up and
read by people who never write in for a free subscription.
should they when they can get their magazines each month from the
newsstand.) This vast group are not regular readers and are slow to
get involved because we have no way of corresponding with them through
the mails and exposing them to the Subscriber Services Program.
We feel the solution is to put out a 16-page mini or condensed
magazine. This will carry heavily-edited articles presented in a way
designed to "whet their appetite" and encourage readers to send that
reply card in and become a subscriber• In other words,to find out
This 16-page condensed Plain Truth is a change in concept from a
magazine to promotional brochure. It would carry a regular two-page
section repeated every month designed to overcome the new reader's
fears and ob1ections about becoming a subscriber and getting on our
mailing list. By this method, we all feel that we will see an increase
in response.
This 16-page PT would enable us to distribute a quantity of 600,000
magazines but at around half the cost to meet our budget cuts. Both
Richard ,Rice and Brian Knowles feel this idea is potentially a winner
because it keeps those new readers coming in.