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But was this really necessary? We think it was. To begin with the
judge(s) and the enemies of this Work were saying that Mr. Herbert
W. Armstrong didn't really have the backing of the members of the
Worldwide Church of God. A number of dissident members (and especi­
ally former members) had become quite visible and very vocal. It was
they who had spearheaded the initial lawsuit against God's Work. It
soon became clear that it would be necessary for the loyal members of
God's Work to become even more visible and more vocal. This is the
reason behind so many thousands of faithful church members writing
letters of support to Mr. Armstrong and the WCG. Also, the continual
demonstrations of loyalty by the California members was very important
in demonstrating to the world that they were behind Mr. Herbert W.
Armstrong, and were strongly opposed to the receivership. Further­
more, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Rader, and the ministers here at Pasadena
were all encouraged by such demonstrations of loyalty. And, of course,
the press was very impressed.
Most of the students took part in the demonstrations of loyalty held
in the Hall of Administration building. As you may have heard, over
four thousand members congregated here at the college on one day alone.
And on several other days, thousands were present. All classes were
cancelled during the week of the sit-ins from Monday to Thursday
inclusive. But in spite of some cancelled classes and a few other
College activities, we were able to keep Ambassador College functioning
during the period of the receivership. At no time did Mr. Armstrong
ever give any of us in the College the slightest hint that he was
thinking about closing Ambassador. He told us, however, that he
planned to see that enough funds were sent to Pasadena from out of
the state of California to keep the College ticking.
Fortunately, the receivership was lifted before the funds dried up
here in Pasadena.
During the receivership crisis we, like all other divisions of this
Work, did have to trim back our budgets. We had to cut our budget
down by 12%. Even so, we have been able to keep all important functions
of the College going, and have not needed to impose any salary cuts
as of the present.
When Ambassador College was cut back last year, most of the former
faculty members were terminated. Many of them were on contract.
These terminal salary contracts have been taking about two-thirds of
the entire College budget, but by this corning August those contracts
will have ended. Presently the actual College budget is somewhat
over one million dollars. We plan to keep the College lean and trim.
With the continued help of Almighty God we will be able to keep the
College on the track, and with His blessing we will continue producing
well-trained, dedicated, loyal, knowledgeable students who can serve
well in this Work. A.C. can continue to function efficiently on a
relatively low college budget.
About fifty new students enrolled in A.C. at the beginning of the
pre�sent semester. Some of them were former Ambassador students who
decided to re-enter Ambassador so they could complete their education
and get their degrees from A.C. We now have a total enrollment of
approximately three hundred and fifty students. We anticipate that
next year's enrollment will remain at about this same level or
slightly higher.