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and, again, hope that it may be done as fairly and equitably as
possible at this time. There are definitely not "dozens" on some
kind of "hi'b list" which has been rumored about among those who like
to feed upon these types of stories.
We are having our problems, fellows, but they are nowhere near
as traumatic in regard to losing ministers or members as the problems
we faced
1974. So let me repeat from last time -- the over­
whelming majority of God's ministers and people remain str�and
committed to helping fulfill the Great Commission God has revealed
to Mr. Armstrong.
In an entirely different vein from the above, I want to
announce that the area coordinators will occasionally be rotated or
brought in for a sabbatical before going back to the field in the same
or a similar function. In keeping with this, Mr. Dennis Pyle will
be corning in this summer to begin a sabbatical and will be replaced
as area coordinator for the Kansas City area by Mr. Ray Wooten. I
hope all of you will give Mr. Wooten your full cooperation and
� some changing and rotating of assignments, we hope to give
you the opportunity for new challenges, advancement and growth.
So all of you fellows be alert and ready to respond to the oppor­
tunities for growth and perfection put before each of you by the
Living Christ through His Church.
Let's all catch the vision of striving for excellence in
doctrine, our ministry and our personal character. As ministers
of the Living God, we need to begin to study the Bible on our knees
as never before, to� our hearts out to our Rock and our Redeemer,
and to yield ourselves to the one who gives us life and breath as
perhaps we have never done before! In this way, and this way only,
we will be able to finish the Work Christ has given us with the POWER
of His Spirit -- the only power truly capable of doing the job.
So please do this, fellows! And� fervently for Mr. Armstrong,
for all of us here on the headquarter's team, and for one another in
God's Work and Church scattered all around this world. We do need
one another's love, encouragement, and prayers. So remember us, let
us hear frGll:, you, and keep up the good work the vast majority of you
are doing.
P.S. Mr. Bob Morton just called in from New Zealand. He reports a
33 1/3% increase in this January's income over last January, and
that growth continues there in all phases of the Work. How's that
for progress?!