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Also, many letters are being received from regular subscribers
inquiring about what is happening here in Pasadena.
(Most have seen
only sketchy news clippings in their local papers, etc. Most members
by now of what has happened).
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Something has come up recently th�t is worth mentioning to all of
you ministers who are involved in The Plain Truth newsstand program.
It would be helpful if this were also passed on to the people in your
church area who help with the distribution of magazines.
Over the past month, more and more local ministers and their PT news­
stand coordinators have started changing the original PT newsstand
program. Some have come up with various ideas for extensions of the
original concept. The original idea was simply to place Plain Truth
magazines in an approved rack in a bookshop, store, or newsstand, and
service the outlet by making sure that the manager of the store is
happy and that the rack is kept stocked.
In sorQe cases the ideas for distributing The Plain Truth were checked
out with the newsstand department in Pasadena, in other cases they
were not. It has come to my attentio·n recently that some local areas
are trying many different ways of getting The Plain Truth into the
public's hands. Some of the ideas I've heard of are not good and are
against the policies set down by Mr. Herbert Armstrong many years
ago. The policy is·
simply this: we should make The Plain Truth
readily available to those who want it, but in no way should we force
or push the message to those who don't want or request it. The
regular newsstand program is simply making the PT available to those
who see it and want it. Any extension of the program that puts The
Plain Truth into people's homes by a covert method (like placing it
on their doorstep or sending it in with other free advertising litera­
ture from other sources) is definitely not approved.
The foregoing comments are not in any way meant to kill ideas or
initiative from you fellows in the field. Some of your ideas are
good. We must, however, insist that the only thing that has the
approval of Mr. Herbert Armstrong is the regular newsstand program.
Any proposed change to this program must be checked out with the
Publishing Services Department in Pasadena.
--Roger Lippross, Publishing Services
The healing booklet is "on hold" at the printer due to lack of funds
resulting from the current receivership situation. We do not know,
at this point, just when funds will be available for its printing.
It was originally scheduled to be printed January 29.
Mr. Armstrong has been reading the copy for all PTs and has now
approved copy for the April edition and the layouts for March. The
March cover features a picture of the Shah of Iran who may or may not