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Peter Nathan, Regional Director for New Zealand, called me last week
after blacking out for several minutes. Extensive testing has revealed a
small tumor in the lining of the brain. Peter continues to do his job
but is restricted from driving.
Please continue to be fervent in your prayers for all of our brethren,
especially those who are suffering. God
will hear and answer in His
wisdom and mercy.
Church Pastors-Central Clearing Account Policies. In order to avoid
compromising the integrity of the Central Clearing Account, it is vitally
important that all of those who are authorized to sign on this account
carefully follow the policies regarding its use.
The following are five different problems that need to be carefully
avoided. These problems may seem like minor
'picky' items, but
because they do occur regularly, they jeopardize our ability to continue
to use the account and substantially increase the cost of administering
this area of the Work.
Checks issued for over the limit
( $ 3 0 0 )
for a single check.
On the face of the check directly below the space for the numerical
the statement "Not valid over
This limitation
protects the Church by not allowing any one check to be written for
an excessive amount. Please stay within this limit. If an
individual needs more than
at any one time, more than one check
will need to be written.
( 2 )
Checks filled out
signed by someone other than an authorized
This appears to be a problem that comes up when a pastor is away
from his church area for a length of time. Do not presign checks
before taking a trip
for any other purpose, leaving the checks
someone else to complete. Neither an associate pastor nor
anyone else can sign checks on your behalf. Each check is assigned
to a specific minister. He is responsible for how each check is
used and only he can sign on his checks. It is
this reason that
when a pastor is transferred, he is to take his checkbook with him
and not leave it for the incoming pastor.
you are away from your
church and a need arises that can't wait for your return, the pastor
in a neighboring church may issue a check.
( 3 )
Checks not signed.
This is an obvious mistake. Normally it is
oversight. Since checks are not valid
signature, please double-check to make sure
before being issued.
the result
without an
all checks
of a simple
are signed