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Thank you for your prayers and monetary support which have made possible
· this positive financial report.
--Leroy Neff, Treasurer
•warldvide Revs• in Color For only the second time in its history and for
the first time since the tribute issue to Mr. Armstrong, "The Worldwide
News• will be published with color photographs. Our November 17 Festival
edition will feature color on page 1. In our constant efforts toward
easier reading, the format of our Festival coverage has· also changed.
Instead of just listing each site and its· activities, we focused on the
human-interest aspects of the Feast sites this year--items we felt would
be good examples for all the brethren. Thank you again for returning your
questionnaires so quickly. Any information you might want to appear in
our follow-up coverage in the next issue, please send in right away.
By the way, you may notice that we've replaced the ·WN" •International
Desk• column with "From Our Scattered Brethren.• This column contains
human-interest items about churches and brethren around the world. Growth
and development, trials and adversities, all will be covered. If you have
any such items that you would like to have included from your area, please
type them up and send them to Church Administration to the attention of
Dexter Faulkner, with •urgent WN material" on the envelope.
Booklet Update The next edition of the "Ten Commandments" booklet will be
expanded to include a new chapter titled "The New Commandments of Jesus."
This chapter, written by Dr. Roderick Meredith, is added to answer
objections many denominations raise when the subject of the Ten
Commandments comes up.
The reprint combination "Seven Keys to
Understanding the Bible• now includes •seven Keys to Understanding the
Bible," "Me•••Read the Bible?," "Which Translations Are Best?• and "How to
Solve Bible Difficulties.•
"Youth 87·-A Rev Year It's difficult to believe, but with the January
issue, •youth 87" begins its seventh year. Pastor General Joseph w. Tkach
leads off the new year with his article, "You're Important to Usl" Other
subjects include suicide, conversation, fairness and interior design. Two
articles on avoiding premarital sex are "For Girls Only" and "For Guys
Only." In the new column, "I Didn't Know That Was in the Bible," Ronald
Kelly covers the subject "Can Teens Make an Impact?" by examining Daniel's
teen years. Mr. Kelly's practical, down-to-earth approach and the lighter
graphics should also make the column appeal to the 90 percent of readers
who aren't associated with the Church and who may not be too familiar with
the Bible.
Possible PlagiariS11S Dr. Roy McCarthy brought to my attention a pamphlet
being distributed in South Africa using graphics, slightly altered, from
our material. I have forwarded the material to our Legal Department. If
any of you see any plagiarism or suspected plagiarism of our material,
either textual or graphic, please forward it directly to our Legal
Department, along with a copy of the original material that was printed in
our publications. If the Legal Department feels the suspected plagiarism