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llarch ·Plain Truth• Planning Session In the March •p1ain Truth,• we plan
a far-reaching and thorough discussion of economy--from an internatfonal,
domestic and personal point of view.
Most readers' minds would be on
their pocketbooks at that time of year.
Subjects covered include the
worldwide problem of debt, national and personal; how defense spending
destroys economies; the international problem of burdensome taxes; and the
effect of drug addiction on nations--both users and providers.
Kroll's overview article, ·The Many Faces of Economics,• will tie all
these subjects together.
We plan also to bring in God's system of
economics in a sensible and logical way.
llev � Brochure A timely new television brochure is now being produced.
·There's a Bidden Enemy in Your Home1• is a piece of literature almost
anyone can gain from.
Articles included are the title article from the
March, 1986, •Good News•; •1t's About Time1• from the January, 1986,
·Plain Truth•; •sest Strategy for Beating Stress• from the April, 1985,
·Plain Truth•; •You Can Break that Bad habit1• from the February, 1983,
•p1ain Truth•; ·The Way that Assures Peace of Mind• from the May, 1983,
·Plain Truth•; •tet God Fight Your Battles!• from the March, 1985, •Good
News•; and for married couples, •words that Burt, Words that Help• from
the March, 1986, •plain Truth•; and for teens, •Are You Sure Everybody's
Doing It?• from the April, 1986, •plain Truth.•
Please remember that
brethren will not automatically receive these new brochures made up for
If they should want to request them, they should wait until
after the brochures are announced on the telecast and printed and ready
for distribution.
Please ask members to call during the week or at times
other than when the telecast is airing.
Letters Obviously, some of you are sharing the letters we've
been including in this report with the brethren, because we got this
response from a 12-year-old Church youth: •A reader of 'Youth 86'
suggested in the PGR that it would be nice if all the young people would
save aluminum can money and give it to the Church. We heard this just the
day after we cashed ours in, so we decided to send it in as an offering.•
A young Michigan reader from an atheistic background writes:
•1 would
like to tell you how much I have learned from 'Youth 86,' 'The Plain
Truth' and other literature I have been receiving for the past five years.
I learned a lot about God and the world in general from you.
•1 am now 16 and have finally made up my mind to lead life following God
rather than men. Despite coming from an atheistic family and having been
an atheist myself, after these five years of struggling with the truth, I
have decided to go God's way.
•1t is hard because the people I associate most with (future scientists>
leave God out of everything.
Planning to become a theoretical physicist
myself, I will need God's help to stay with Him.
Thank you for all you
have done. Enclosed is $20 for you to use for God's work.•
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services