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1986 Taz Refora Act The Tax Reform Act of 1986 will affect you as a
minister as well as an individual taxpayer. As the facts become clearer,
we will try to keep you informed of changes in those special areas that
affect you as a minister.
Blessing of Children Date
The second Sabbath after the Feast is the traditional date for
the blessing of children ceremony. Therefore, the blessing of
children ceremony will be held on Sabbath, November 8, in all
In some cases, a baby is born during or shortly after the Feast
and the family is not able to attend services for the blessing
of the children. When this occurs, it is certainly appropriate
to bless the infant in the family's home. Children who are
born after the Sabbath of November 8 can wait till the next
Question and Answer
Q. May children of nonmembers participate in the ceremony for the
blessing of little children?
A. The desire of some members to have grandchildren, nephews, nieces and
other children whose parents are not in the Church blessed is certainly
understandable. However, the blessing of little children is only for the
immediate families of Church members and prospective members. Members may
on occasion bring children who are not their direct offspring only if they
spend a significant amount of time with the children or if they are the
guardians of those children.
Jesus blessed the children of those who were as yet unconverted, because
the Holy Spirit had not yet been given. But Be did this to set an example
for us who are members and for- prospective members.
God's Church today understands, for example, that the Passove� must be
restricted to baptized members.
Similarly, the blessing of little
children should be performed only for the children of members and those
about to be baptized, together with the exception previously mentioned in
the first paragraph.
It would be contradictory to ask God to bless
children dwelling in a household where no one is living by God's laws, and
where God's Spirit is not working through one or both parents.
Prayer Reguests
Mrs. Dennis Van Deventer died peacefully in her husband's arms on
Wednesday evening, October 8. Sylvia had lapsed into a coma several days
previously, rousing only briefly on the Day of Trumpets. Ber thoughts
even then were on the welfare of Dennis and their daughter, Ginger. A
memorial service on campus was conducted by Mr. Robin Webber. A brief
graveside service was held in Houston, Texas, October 13.
The Van