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Please convey to the brethren a hearty •thank you• for the fall Holy
Day offerings, which were about an 8 percent increase over last year.
God's end-time Work of preaching the Gospel of Bis Kingdom and feeding Bis
flock is made possible through the combined individual sacrifice of all
God's firstfruits around the world, not only financially, but through
heartfelt prayer and willingness to be led by Bis Holy Spirit.
I will be announcing in the next issue of ·The Worldwide News• a new
revitalized •p1ain Truth• newsstand program. This all-new concept will
make far more effective use of our newsstand copies and reach a great many
more people than our current program is able to.
It will require a
diligent, coordinated effort by your newsstand personnel and will probably
open up more opportunities for others to serve in that way. Basically,
the program will work as follows:
Instead of spreading our newsstand
copies so thin resulting in having only 3,000 to 15,000 copies available
monthly in most of our major cities, we will rotate our available copies
from area to area. Each city will then be allotted perhaps 10 or 12 times
the number of magazines they now handle (enough to blanket the area> for a
prearranged period of time, probably four to six months. Then that area
will have a •rest• with no newsstand program until its rotation comes up
again. We expect this method to provide a very strong witness in an area
by giving us maximum exposure for a limited time.
Because the display
would clearly state how long the ·Plain Truth• will be available on the
newsstand in that area, we expect not only that more people will read it,
but that more will be motivated to subscribe.
As you can see, this program will require a great deal of local
coordination from your newsstand personnel, and the results should prove
to be well worth the effort. Of course I realize that God's people are,
most anxious to serve in any way they are called upon. Those who work
with the newsstands, some for many years, deserve our heartfelt thanks and
gratitude. In fact, if it were not for their careful, diligent, faithful
service I would not even want to attempt such a program as we are now
undertaking. But I know that God's people can do it and the record proves
This will give them a rest period as I said, which some may find
disappointing. But frankly, when the rest period comes after the first of
these new ·blitz• programs in your area, I think most will appreciate a
The Work goes·onl Let's draw closer to God and one another as the day
of Jesus Christ approaches.
With love, in Jesus' name,
P.S. I have just read Mr. Salyer's comments to you on pages 4-5 and I just
want to say be!!!£!. to read them carefully. Men and wives, the obligation
we have before God to all speak the same thing and to preserve unity God's
way based on Bis law of !2!!,.cannot be overemphasized.