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Firstly, remember that each of these questions represents a succinct
example of a question about some doctrinal or procedural question.
answer given is a typical response.
The question cannot consider all
possible factors and the answer must not either.
There may be many extenuating circumstances which would modify an answer.
We in the ministry must learn how to analyze and evaluate a situation and
apply God's principles and the spirit of the law in making judgments and
giving counsel. This is why we must pray for wisdom and discernment as we
strive·to be good shepherds. So please use these question-and-answer items
as·examples to help you grasp and apply the principles they contain. We do
not intend to create a Talmud that attempts to deal with every possible
aspect of a subject.
Rather, we want to give some standard answers to
common questions that have been asked over the years.
Occasionally, we
will include questions on which recent understanding and growth make
modifications necessary. This way we can all keep up with developments and
stand squarely behind Headquarters.
I want to thank Mr. Rice, Mr. Carrol Miller and the Personal Correspondence
Department staff for their support in researching many of these questions.
Their many years of experience are invaluable in this project.
Secondly, I would like to ask that you not share this written material with
the members as a means of answering their personal questions.
It will be
better if you just use these answers for your own education and
Then you may have more confidence in giving counsel along
similar lines.
This puts the burden. of judgment ·and discernment on you
rather than causing the member to believe that this written answer .is the
last word in all cases.
It would not be good to accidentally encourage
the members to compare their own circumstance with someone else's which
might appear similar but involve subtle differences. By the way, this same
instruction applies to letters you receive directly from Personal
Correspondence. They are for your private information. You may feel free
to refer to answers from Headquarters when necessary
counseling, but do
not give out copies of the letters.
Mr. Tkach has been very enthusiastic in his desire to resume the question­
and-answer section.
We will try to make it a regular feature of the
"Pastor General's Report" as long as there is a need, because he knows that
it can be very helpful to you. As always, any suggestions or comments are
Accounting Department to Close for Feast Break
The Accounting Department will be closed October 13-27. Please
prepare now any hall rental vouchers, etc. that need to be paid
before the Feast, as Accounting must have your vouchers by
Monday, October 6.
This means that these requests must be
received by Church Administration no later than Friday, October
3, the day before the Feast of Trumpets.
Following the Feast
break, Accounting will need about a week to return to its normal
schedule, so please take this into consideration as well. The
first check run after the Feast will be Friday, October 31.