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If you think the model on the September "Plain Truth" cover was a little
young to represent pregnant teens, read this letter sent in to "Youth 86."
"I am 14 years old and I have had sex twice. After reading the article
'Signed: "Learning From My Mistakes"' it made me realize how wrong I was.
It even brought tears to my eyes. I thought or made myself think that it
was all right to have sex as long as you like the boy you're with. But
now I know how wrong I was.
"The guys I was with were very sweet to me only before we ever did
Now we don't even talk to each other.
The day after it
happened, they called me all the names in the book--at the time it really
"Now it haunts me day and night. I know there are a lot of teens out
there that know what I'm talking about. I have never told my parents
about this; for all they know I'm a sweet little innocent angel sitting on
top of the world and it hurts to think that I let them down."
This sad little girl ended her letter with a request for the brochure
"Sexually Transmissible Diseases" and the book "The Missing Dimension in
Booklet Update
As we've mentioned before, when appropriate we are
combining existing literature to give our readers more comprehensive
information on given subjects. A forthcoming edition of "Pagan Holidays-­
or God's Holy Days -- Which?" will also include "How Often Should We
Partake of the Lord's Supper?" and "God's Holy Days in the New Testament"
from the September, 1982, "Good News." Reprint No. 869, "Is Jesus God?",
will be retitled "Millions Do Not Know What Christ Really Was." This
reprint includes the articles "Is Jesus God?", "The Mystery of Melchizedek
Solved at Last!", "What Was Jesus Like as a Human Being?" from the
September, 1980, "Good News," and a box that answers the question as to
whether Jesus had long hair.
•worldwide News• Festival Issue We're wrapping up work on our annual pre­
Feast issue of "The Worldwide News." Please encourage the brethren to
make use of this issue. The articles on how to prepare for the Feast
spiritually and physically should benefit members whether new in the
Church or long-time veterans of many Festivals.
·Plain Truth• Writer Interviewed "Plain Truth" senior writer Keith Stump
was called August 26 by Gregory McLaughlin of CNN News in New York City.
Mr. McLaughlin had just read Mr. Stump's article "Communication with the
Dead -- Is It Possible?" in the September "Plain Truth." Mr. McLaughlin
explained that he was assigned to cover the story of the Smurl family and
their "haunted house" in West. Pittston, Pennsylvania.
The story has
received nationwide attention in recent weeks. He asked if Mr. Stump felt
the Smurl's story was legitimate or a hoax and discussed with him some of
the points in the "Plain Truth" article. Mr. McLaughlin is a subscriber
to "The Plain Truth."
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Service�