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"Although we remain an open harbor beckoning people over shores," Mr.
Nelson continued, "they must come in under the light of legal
immigration, rather than under the darkness of illegality•••• Our parents
and grandparents"--referring to the millions who came in through Ellis
Island and other established points of entry--"did not begin life in this
country by evading the law."
Commissioner Ezell continually voices outspoken concern over what
America's democratic society will look like 10 to 20 years down the road.
Already there are predictions that California could, shortly after the
turn of the century, be America's first "Third World" state. The demand
upon local and state resources is soaring.
The annual net cost of
providing services to illegal aliens in Los Angeles County is estimated
to be $300,000,000. Schoois and public services are strained. From
three-fourths to 80% of all births at the five County hospitals are to
illegal-alien mothers. Immediately after each birth, we were told, the
babies and the mothers are signed up for food stamps and other services.
Since a child born in the U.S. to illegal parents is a U.S. citizen,
there is a tremendous desire to have such children born here. Expectant
mothers are coming across the border eight-and-a-half months pregnant.
Judicial decisions compound the crisis. · Recently a federal judge ruled
that illegal aliens living in New York State could not be denied access
to Medicaid (funds intended for those who are ill and financially needy).
The suit, incidentally, was brought by nine "nonlegal permanent resident
This burgeoning crisis is too significant not to be mentioned in Bible
The book . of Lamentations predicted it--and why it would
National calamity was foretold to· occur to the end-time
descandants of Israel because
(chapter 1:8) they had "sinned
grievously••• [and have] become vile."
Just look at the collapse of
family life, the alarming increase in drug abuse, the condoning of
homosexuality and the consequential explosive spread of AIDS. In the
throes of national calamity, the people will cry out to God: "Look and
behold our reproach. Our inheritance has been turned over to aliens, and
our houses to foreigners 1" (Lam. 5: 1-2)•
This is already happening.
Two-thirds of Los Angeles city subsidized h_
ousing units are occupied by
illegals. In New York City, 40% of such housing is similarly occupied.
(The Roman Catholic archdiocese in Los Angeles, whose members are 80%
Hispanic, and perhaps one-third illegal, has announced its determination
to fight the federal government's attempt to evict illegal aliens from
federally subsidized housing.)
On top of all this, there is the increased legal immigration of people
from Asia and Latin America, which we have covered elsewhere. Since 1965
there has been almost a complete reversal of migration inflow, with only
13% now coming from traditional countries in Europe.
The influx of
Asians into Southern California has been dramatic, especially Koreans and
Chinese from- Taiwan and Hong Kong. Wealthy Chinese are buying heavily
into suburbs surrounding Pasadena, including the expensive estates of San·
Marino. In New York City investment by Japanese businesses in the real
estate market totals more than two billion dollars. So much Japanese
money is pouring into the securities markets that, to better control this
flow, Japanese firms are steadily buying into brokerage houses.