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• Keep the Sabbath when faced with demands to be involved in school
activities such as sports.
• Understand what kind of entertainment (music, movies, etc.) is godly
and uplifting.
In addition to answering their questions with personal· letters, we also
recommend that these young people subscribe to •youth 86" if they have
not already done so. In some cases, they write back to tell us how much
our publications mean to them and how their ·1ives are being turned
around. Following is a sample letter:
I am writing to express my deep appreciation of all that you
have done for me. I am 18 years old, and was deeply mired in
Satan's deceitfulness.
Then I discovered you, God's true
Church, and you taught me His wonderful truth and plan for
man. I constantly read your magazines and booklets which you
so generously send me, continuing to grow in His grace and
truth. I am enclosing my first donation, and you can expect
many more on a regular basis. I want to take an active part
in helping to proclaim God's good news to the world. I know
you and God will never forsake me.
Co-Worker Number Passes 70,000 We now have the largest number of active
co-workers on file (71,701) since August, 1971. The number of co-workers
added each month is continuing at a steady pace. An average of 2,500
donors are upgraded t.o co-worker status monthly.
When these new co-workers are informed they have been added to our inner
family of supporters, many write to tell us how excited they are about
the new opportunity. Below are some of their comments:
I am so grateful to be called a fellow worker with Christ. It
brought tears to my eyes. I am praying for the Church and all
the co-workers to continue the worldwide Work of God. Your
letter encouraged me to read and study more of God's Word. I
stand 100 percent with the Church of God. I support and pray
for this Work and God's true ministers, without whom Satan
would still be deceiving me.
I am proud my name is being placed on your list
worker. I think I am the proudest person alive.
glad to receive your letters each month.
something in this life and feel I've done something.
as a co­
l will be
I can do
I have just received my first co-worker letter from you, and
believe me, I was so happy I almost cried. If you asked me to
give every penny I make I would, because God's Work and Church
are all that mean anything in this world to me.