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Only six of the 84 Mexican YOU members weren't able to be in Orr due
to school commitments. Four youngsters from Guatemala also attended, for a
total of 82 campers. The Mexican SEP had previously been held in Big
Sandy in 1982 and 1985. This was their first year in Orr. Reg Killingley
flew with us and provided a simultaneous translation while I spoke. But
the language barrier didn't stop me from spending quite some time meeting
each of the campers personally. Because of the smaller size of the group,
I was also able to spend a little extra time viewing the activities.
These young people seemed to appreciate deeply the opportunities provided
them at Orr. Messrs. Gilberto Marin and Salvador Barrigan, two of our
Mexican ministers, helped supervise the activities.
I'11 close for now. Thank you for your prayers about this recent
overseas trip. I feel God greatly blessed it and gave us many valuable
and inspiring meetings. I pray for you daily.
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Feast Planning By now most of our brethren are looking forward to the
Feast of Tabernacles, only nine weeks away. As pastors·and elders we need
to make use of their natural excitement by showing them the necessary
steps to a wonderful Feast. This will certainly be "meat in due season."
Remember that many of God's people are not experienced travelers and
planning their Feast trip and activities is a major undertaking. You can
serve them immeasurably by giving them certain reminders and instruction
in advance through announcements, Bible studies, sermonettes and sermons.
Make yourself a checklist of subjects to address and stir the members to
action on them. What you sow now will produce a rich harvest for both
them and you during the Feast. The following is a "must-do" list to which
you may add as you see the need.
1) Plannin � Ahead Thought and planning should go into the Feast trip so
that potential problems can be avoided. Vehicles should be checked out
and made ready before the trip to help prevent problems from occurring at
the Feast, where parts and repair work may be far more expensive and
difficult to find.
A budget should be prepared so that funds are
regulated throughout the Feast, with no surprises in the middle.
articles and suggestions pertaining to Feast planning and preparation that
appear in "The Worldwide News" and other publications should be read well
ahead of time so that all bases are covered.
2) Driving When Tired We have been repeatedly admonished to avoid
driving all night or late into the night. We should plan to begin our
travels early enough to allow reasonable driving distances each day, and
even make motel reservations in advance to avoid being forced to drive