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In short, entering into a financial arrangement is a personal decision
of the member and the success of such a venture cannot be guaranteed by
the Church.
It is to be hoped that our members will not allow
themselves to be drawn into some shaky get-rich-quick scheme, whether
with the unconverted or with brethren of God's Church.
YOU Update Dr. Nelson has submitted the annual YOU activity calendar
for the United States for 1986-87, which is included as an insert with
this "Pastor General's Report." The dates on the calendar represent
guidelines and should be observed as closely as possible.
You will note that two District Family Weekends are scheduled. Details
for planning these activities will be forthcoming. Briefly, the first
will be built around the talent contest and the second around the
basketball season.
As soon as Dr.
guidelines for
Nelson returns from SEP, we will put together the
the talent show, which will be held in November-
Recently, the Telephone Response Department made available
a special WATS number for Festival Advisers to use when
calling the Festival Office. We want to remind all of you,
and ask you to pass on to your local Festival Advisers,
that these calls be limited to Festival calls only. Please
do not use this line for changes of address, literature
requests or other routine business. Thanks again for your
International News
From the United Kingdom
Two visitors from Ambassador Publishing
Services, Mr. Terry Warren and Mr. Mike Riley, who are employed in the
development of advertising copy and layout, spent an educational two
and a-half weeks visiting Brltain and several European countries.
After arriving in England on June 10, their tour took them to Paris,
Zurich, Rome, Bonn, Brussels and Utrecht, before returning to the
.A. on June 27.
Both men received a greater understanding of
European issues as a result of their travels and discussions with
representatives of the Church offices in each of seven countries.
Future advertising developed for Britain and the rest of Europe is
likely to be most positively influenced by the recent experiences of
our two visitors.
Ministers who traveled abroad for Pentecost included Mr. Robert
Boraker, Personal Correspondence Department Director, and Mr. David
Stirk, Business Manager for East and West Africa.