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of China.
There is not yet a formalized China-Japan
s 1p.
But it exists in embryonic form.
Right now,
therefore, three of the four power centers of the world are
associated together.
Russia is alone.
Russia's real and
potential power is outclassed massively by the combination of
the U.S., Western Europe, and the China-Japan association.
For the men in Moscow, the most important goal for Soviet
Tcrre[gn poITcy-is to weaneitnerof the two otlier centers of
power away from-the U-:S:- If it couTcrdetach either Western
Europe�t�hina-Japan association from the U.S. and bring
it into association with Russia, then world power would be back
in a balance far less unfavorable to Moscow than at present.
Moscow keeps trying to get back into easier relations with
China and Japan, but only halfheartedly. It could have had an
,..-::;;��economically profitable association with Japan long ago, had it
been willing to give back to J � pa �,...J he lost islands to the
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h of Japan.
pparently giving up territory is the hardest thing for the
That very unwillingness to give up space also
explains Russia's troubles with China. There are vast areas of
inner Asia that were once under the shadowy suzerainty of
China. The Russians hold those territories. China needs more
for its vast population. Much of Siberia is almost empty
The time when Japan and China will come to friendly terms with
Russia is a long way in the future, if ever. But there are no
similar territorial obstacles to a detente between Russia and
Western Europe.
All that is necessary would be for the
Russians to cease threatening Western Europe with 31 Soviet
divisions in Eastern Europe, aimed westward, and 216 Soviet SS-
20 missiles west of the Urals (each with three nuclear
warheads) aimed at every major city and mi1itary target in
Western Europe.
The implication in Russia's latest arms proposals is that
Moscow is ready to discuss long-range missiles with the U.S.
and intermediate-range missiles and ground forces with Western
This could be an opening move in a major diplomatic
operationaimed at deta.cning WesternTurope-from 1.ts m1.l1.tary
alliance with the�u.s.
•william the Terrible•
Finally, we present excerpts of the cover article
in the July 7 issue of the American PEOPLE magazine, featuring the antics
of Britain's Prince William, the 4-year-old firstborn son (and second in
line to the British throne) of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.
article is entitled "William the Terrible" -- as you will understand from
reading the account. The article also gives an insight into the rather
unusual interests -- for a pretender to the throne -- of the 37-year-old
Prince Charles.