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International News
From the Caribbean
The Work in the Caribbean is experiencing some
interesting times. Income year-to-date is down 12.2% from the same time
last year.
Year-to-date Holy Day Offerings are up 11.1%.
This is
occurring because the Caribbean is undergoing some very serious economic
There is rising unemployment, especially in those countries
that are not completely reliant on tourism.
Beginning on Monday, June 16, Mr. Stan Bass, Regional Director, and Mr.
Bryan Weeks, Business Manager, spent a week in Trinidad, where Mr. Bass
had talks with Mr. Clifton Charles pertaining to the Work in Trinidad.
Mr. Weeks' specific reason for going to Trinidad was to be able to visit
the staff of the Trinidad office.
While there he gave them orientation
in the use of a new microcomputer the office had purchased. It will be a
real help to them in the processing of the several thousand pieces of
mail the office receives each month, as well as a means of improving the
effectiveness of the Personal Corespondence letter writer employed there
by the Work.
On the Sabbath, Mr. Bass spoke to more than 560 brethren meeting in the
Astor Theatre. On Sunday, June 22, the Trinidad Church held their annual
sports day at the national stadium of Trinidad and Tobago. It was a well
organized day of track and field activities, including a "senior
citizens' walk" for men and women.
(Submitted by Stan Bass, Regional Director)
From Canada With Vancouver hosting Expo 86 this year, the opportunity of
increasing the circulation of our "Plain Truth" newsstands took priority
in the area. Streets bordering Expo have more outside boxes than usual,
and a big door was opened with several car parks allowing our boxes
throughout the city.
We will not know for some time whether or not our
circulation will go up dramatically with these new outlets.
David Hulme visited Vancouver for Pentecost and stayed over to have talks
with our advertising agency Baker Lovick.
We were presented with an
overview of the Canadian market, including the results of a special
survey taken among our television program viewers.
Enthusiasm for the
program is very high.
Comments were made that we interpret the Bible
meaningfully, use an honest, straightforward approach, promote family
well-being, explain current events and create a more positive attitude
toward the future.
The "World Tomorrow" program heads the list of religious telecasts
covering Canada. We have 36 stations, compared to 30 for Jimmy Swaggert,
19 for 100 Huntley St., 13 for Day of Discovery, 11 for Oral Roberts, 10
for It is Written, 9 for Terry Winter, 9 for Robert Schuller, 8 for Jimmy
Barker, 8 for Jerry Falwell and 5 for the 700 Club.
Due to the high WATS responses coming in, our cost per response has been
dropping over the past year and we hope to see it drop further as 1986
Opportunities to cover the Quebec television market are
opening up and we are planning a fall support campaign in TV GUIDE and
other TV magazines.
We will also have a newspaper insert campaign in
local newspapers followed by another direct-mail campaign.