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Bible Lecture Letters
A record number of 141, 000 people have been
offered the opportunity to attend Bible lectures in the United States
this year.
The reason for this upswing is that more people are
This makes them eligible to receive our letters
announcing a lecture in their area.
The value of the lectures you give is aptly illustrated in the following
Thank you for sending me an invitation to the Bible lecture in my
area three months ago.
I am happy to say that I am now attending
services with the Worldwide Church of God. Thank you for letting
the world know there is a great first cause.
(Newark, New Jersey)
•Mystery of the Ages"
The comments we continue to receive about "Mystery
of the Ages" show that it is still having a powerful impact on the lives
of many.
Readers consider this book the apex of Mr. ·Armstrong's
writings. The brethren often say they have never seen God's plan unfold
as clearly as in the pages of this book.
Many people who were never interested in religion before have been moved
to ask for ministerial visits after reading it.
As the following
comments show, "Mystery of the Ages" continues to be an effective tool in
spreading the Gospel:
I was so happy and excited to receive "Mystery of the Ages." It was
an answer to my prayer to God. I asked Him to forgive me and help
me find the true belief.
I was attending a Lutheran church but I
couldn't accept their teachings on quite a few subjects, especially
the trinity.
Anyway, when I received your book, there was the
answer to this false teaching!
It makes me happy to know that Mr.
Armstrong devoted his whole life to writing these books and
Royal Oaks, Michigan
I received Mr. Armstrong's last book.
It can leave a man
breathless. How did Mr. Armstrong come to have such extraordinary
knowledge and understanding?
But then, I do know, and there's no
denying it. The will of our Creator was working through him.
Honolulu, Hawaii
I wish to thank you with my whole heart for "Mystery of the Ages."
My mind was so hungry for these words, I could not stop reading it.
Although I have heard all of this in bits and pieces over the last
22 years, I was never able to connect them together as Mr. Armstrong
did in his book.
Clinton, Illinois
I just finished "Mystery of the Ages" and I am truly amazed!
found out things I never knew.
And all were proved to me in the
Bible. I just turned 58 and can't believe I've lived for all those
years in darkness.
I don't know why I subscribed to "The Plain
Truth" and then got a chance to send for this book, but all I can
say is, "Thank God!" Do you have a Church here in Hawaii? If so,
Wahiawa, Hawaii